🛠️ 'cause of an Datacenter-transfer Parcyvalstudios.com is from 1230(EU-Time/BER) up to the 18.07. 0200(EU-Time/BER) mighty off We will workin' to stay online between the changes.
✉️ Mails from @parcyvalstudios.com might be lost current the Transfer-time. Choose an another method between this. (f.e. Discord, Twitter etc.)
🔭 We currently working on ascending-empires
🌱 We currently learning Unity, Blender, C#,
👨💻 All of our projects are available at https://parcyvalstudios.com
📫 How to reach us info@parcyvalstudios.com
⚡ Fun fact Parsy is vegan and TIZEN likes to complicated simple things