A command line application to remove table data from MySQL dumps, while keeping the table structure itself intact.
Useful if your MySQL dumps / backups include large tables you don't want to spend time restoring to your development environment - for example, logs or other non-vital data.
Lists all tables found in the given MySQL dump.
$ mysqldumptablepurger list <inputFile>
Removes the content of the given table names from the dump, and writes the resulting file to the outputFile
path given.
$ mysqldumptablepurger remove <inputFile> <outputFile> <table1> <table2> <...>
Removes the content of tables using a predefined YAML config file, useful if you want to maintain a list of tables to frequently remove.
$ mysqldumptablepurger remove-by-conf <inputFile> <configFile>
outputFile: mysql_dump_purged.sql
- user_logs
- admin_logs