This is a power BI report analyzing Zomato Review dataset for Bangalore.
Report is based on the following Business Problems:
For a high-level overview of the hotels, display the top 5 most voted hotels in the delivery category.
The rating of a hotel is a key identifier in determining a restaurant’s performance. Hence for a particular location called Banashankari find out the top 5 highly rated hotels in the delivery category.
Compare the ratings of the cheapest and most expensive hotels in Indiranagar.
Online ordering of food has exponentially increased over time. Compare the total votes of restaurants that provide online ordering services and those who don’t provide online ordering service.
Number of votes defines how much the customers are involved with the service provided by the restaurants. For each Restaurant type, find out the number of restaurants, total votes, and average rating. Display the data with the highest votes on the top.
To increase the maximum profit, Zomato is in need to expand its business. For doing so Zomato wants the list of the top 15 restaurants which have min 150 votes, have a rating greater than 3, and is currently not providing online ordering. Display the restaurants with highest votes on the top.
What is the most liked dish of the most-voted restaurant on Zomato(as the restaurant has a tie-up with Zomato, the restaurant compulsorily provides online ordering and delivery facilities).