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Terraform Provider IT Glue

This provider is in extremely early stages. Use at your own risk.

It uses our incomplete Go IT Glue API wrapper for the backend.

Table of contents


Run the following command to build the provider or download a GitHub release.

go build -o terraform-provider-itglue.exe

Move the executable to the directory below (replace x.x.x with the appropriate version number)



In the %AppData%\terraform.d\plugins\\pu\itglue\ directory, add a new folder structure for the new version of the provider.

In your Terraform directory, bump up the version number of the provider and run the following command:

terraform init -upgrade


In your Terraform configuration, add the provider (note: AWS is not required)

terraform {
  required_providers {
    aws = {
      source  = "hashicorp/aws"
      version = "3.8.0"
    itglue = {
      source  = ""
      version = "0.1.18"

Add the IT Glue API key to the provider

provider "itglue" {
  api_key = local.itglue_api_key.key

It is recommended to provide the API key from something like AWS Parameter Store

Example providing API key using AWS Parameter Store

In AWS Parameter Store as a secure string with the name /company/itglue/apikey:


In your locals:

data "aws_ssm_parameter" "itglueapikey" {
  name = "/company/itglue/apikey"

locals {
  itglue_api_key = jsondecode(

Use local.itglue_api_key.key where needed.

Example Usage

Currently only the below are supported.

Refer to the official IT Glue API documentation for valid fields. Please submit an issue or pull request if something is not supported.

Flexible assets

For flexible assets, you need to provide traits, organization_id and flexible_asset_type_id.

The traits are based upon how your flexible asset is set up and can be any string.

You also need to provide the flexible asset type ID with the traits and the organization ID under which you want the flexible asset listed.

resource "itglue_flexible_asset" "example_server" {
  traits = {
        company-name         = var.tag_company_name
        admin-username       = "test"
        url                  = ""
        internal-ip-address  = ""
        external-ip-address  = ""
        link-to-organisation = 123456
        license-key          =
        notes                = "This document is managed by Terraform. Changes will be overridden."
  organization_id        = 123457
  flexible_asset_type_id = 45678

resource "itglue_flexible_asset" "server_license" {
  traits = {
        license-key  = "AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD"
        renewal-date = "2021-09-09"
        renewal-type = "Monthly"
        notes        = "This document is managed by Terraform. Changes will be overridden."
  organization_id        = 123457
  flexible_asset_type_id = 45679


Currently password traits are not supported but all other trait types should work when passed a string, integer or boolean.

Currently tag traits can only have one ID specified.


Passwords are recommended to be passed from something like AWS Parameter Store (refer to Example providing API key using AWS Parameter Store).

Example with an embedded password, embedded into the server flexible asset above

resource "itglue_password" "server_password" {
  name            = "test server password"
  username        = "testusername"
  password        = "testpassword"
  resource_id     =
  resource_type   = "Flexible Asset"
  organization_id = 123457
  notes           = "This document is managed by Terraform. Changes will be overridden."

Example with a standalone password

resource "itglue_password" "server_password" {
  name            = "test server password"
  username        = "testusername"
  password        = "testpassword"
  organization_id = 123457
  notes           = "This document is managed by Terraform. Changes will be overridden."