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Python interactor
The Python interactor is a very useful utility to access run-time any 3DSlicer and SlicerAstro class: MRML nodes, Widgets and Logics (N.B. the data of the fits file are stored in the MRML AstroVolume class). Python scripts can also be run by typing in a terminal window:
Slicer --python-script example.py
or by copying and pasting the code in the python console of 3DSlicer:
See also:
- Slicer (and therefore also SlicerAstro) can be used as a fully interactive jupyter notebook, see link.
3DSlicer and SlicerAstro binaries deliver their own Python environment. The Python version is 3.6.7 and it incorporates the additional packages numpy, astropy, scipy. It is possible to install additional 'pure' python wheels. Instructions are at the following link.
as an example a number of Python scripts are provided below for a variety of applications:
SmoothRenderSaveVideos.py: This script requires ffmpeg which for license incompatibility can not be included in 3DSlicer binaries. It is therefore necessary to install the ffmpeg binary manually when it is not present in the system, and select it in the advanced widget of the screen capture (this last step is required only once).
slicer.util.loadVolume("/full_path/galaxy.fits",{"center":True}) mw = slicer.util.mainWindow() ms = mw.moduleSelector() # Smooth the datacube ms.selectModule('AstroSmoothing') smowidget = slicer.modules.astrosmoothing.widgetRepresentation() smomrmlpara = smowidget.mrmlAstroSmoothingParametersNode() smomrmlpara.SetMode("Manual") # only if a GPU is present: #smomrmlpara.SetHardware(1) smowidget.onApply() ms.selectModule('AstroVolume') # Setting maximum quality for the rendering astrovolumewidget = slicer.modules.astrovolume.widgetRepresentation() astrovolumewidget.onCurrentQualityControlChanged(1) volumes = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNodesByClass("vtkMRMLAstroVolumeNode") volumefiltered = volumes.GetItemAsObject(1) smomrmlpara.SetInputVolumeNodeID(volumefiltered.GetID()) astrovolumewidget.onCurrentQualityControlChanged(1) # Create videos ms.selectModule('ScreenCapture') screencapturewidget = slicer.modules.screencapture.widgetRepresentation() instance = screencapturewidget.self() viewNode = slicer.util.getNode('vtkMRMLViewNode1') instance.viewNodeSelector.setCurrentNode(viewNode) instance.numberOfStepsSliderWidget.setValue(360) instance.videoExportCheckBox.setChecked(1) instance.videoFormatWidget.setCurrentIndex(1) instance.videoFileNameWidget.setText("WEIN069.mp4") instance.videoLengthSliderWidget.setValue(6) instance.onCaptureButton() viewNode = slicer.util.getNode('vtkMRMLViewNode2') instance.viewNodeSelector.setCurrentNode(viewNode) instance.viewNodeSelector.setCurrentNode(viewNode) instance.numberOfStepsSliderWidget.setValue(360) instance.videoExportCheckBox.setChecked(1) instance.videoFormatWidget.setCurrentIndex(1) instance.videoFileNameWidget.setText("WEIN069_smoothed.mp4") instance.videoLengthSliderWidget.setValue(6) instance.onCaptureButton()
# Get the data-cube volume slicer.util.loadVolume("/full_path/galaxy.fits",{"center":True}) volumeNode = getNode('galaxy') datacube = volumeNode.GetImageData() # Get dimensions N1 = int(volumeNode.GetAttribute("SlicerAstro.NAXIS1")) N2 = int(volumeNode.GetAttribute("SlicerAstro.NAXIS2")) RMS = float(volumeNode.GetAttribute("SlicerAstro.DisplayThreshold")) # Create an empty 2-D image imageSize = [N1, N2, 1] imageSpacing = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] voxelType = vtk.VTK_FLOAT imageDataTemp = vtk.vtkImageData() imageDataTemp.SetDimensions(imageSize) imageDataTemp.SetSpacing(imageSpacing) imageDataTemp.AllocateScalars(voxelType, 1) extentTemp = imageDataTemp.GetExtent() for i in range(extentTemp[0], extentTemp[1]+1): for j in range(extentTemp[2], extentTemp[3]+1): for k in range(extentTemp[4], extentTemp[5]+1): imageDataTemp.SetScalarComponentFromFloat(i,j,k,0,0.) # calculate moment map imageData = volumeNode.GetImageData() extent = imageData.GetExtent() for i in range(extent[0], extent[1]+1): for j in range(extent[2], extent[3]+1): sum = 0. for k in range(extent[4], extent[5]+1): value = imageData.GetScalarComponentAsFloat(i,j,k,0) if value > 3 * RMS: sum += value imageDataTemp.SetScalarComponentFromFloat(i,j,0,0,sum) imageDataTemp.Modified() point = imageDataTemp.GetPointData() array = point.GetArray("ImageScalars") point.Modified() array.Modified() array.GetValueRange() # create Astro Volume for the moment map astroVolumeLogic = slicer.modules.astrovolume.logic() volumeNodeMomentMap = astroVolumeLogic.CloneVolume(slicer.mrmlScene, volumeNode, 'MomentMap') # modify fits attributes volumeNodeMomentMap.SetAttribute("SlicerAstro.NAXIS", "2") volumeNodeMomentMap.RemoveAttribute("SlicerAstro.NAXIS3") volumeNodeMomentMap.RemoveAttribute("SlicerAstro.CROTA3") volumeNodeMomentMap.RemoveAttribute("SlicerAstro.CRPIX3") volumeNodeMomentMap.RemoveAttribute("SlicerAstro.CRVAL3") volumeNodeMomentMap.RemoveAttribute("SlicerAstro.CTYPE3") volumeNodeMomentMap.RemoveAttribute("SlicerAstro.CUNIT3") volumeNodeMomentMap.RemoveAttribute("SlicerAstro.DTYPE3") volumeNodeMomentMap.RemoveAttribute("SlicerAstro.DRVAL3") volumeNodeMomentMap.RemoveAttribute("SlicerAstro.DUNIT3") # copy 2-D image into the Astro Volume object volumeNodeMomentMap.SetAndObserveImageData(imageDataTemp) volumeNodeMomentMap.UpdateDisplayThresholdAttributes() volumeNodeMomentMap.UpdateRangeAttributes() # change colorMap of the 2-D image displayNode = volumeNodeMomentMap.GetDisplayNode() displayNode.SetAndObserveColorNodeID('vtkMRMLColorTableNodeRainbow')
def astroArrayFromVolume(volumeNode): """Return a voxel array from the volume node as a numpy array. Voxel values are not copied. Voxel values in the volume node can be modified by changing values in the numpy array. After all modifications have been completed, call volumeNode.Modified(). .. warning:: the memory area of the returned array is managed by VTK, therefore values in the array may be changed, but the array must not be reallocated (change of array size, shallow-copy content from other array most likely will cause the application to crash). To allow arbitrary numpy operations on a volume array: 1. Make a deep-copy of the returned VTK-managed array using :func:`numpy.copy`. 2. Perform any computations using the copied array. 3. Write results back to the image data using :py:meth:`updateVolumeFromArray`. """ scalarTypes = ['vtkMRMLAstroVolumeNode', 'vtkMRMLAstroLabelMapVolumeNode'] vimage = volumeNode.GetImageData() nshape = tuple(reversed(volumeNode.GetImageData().GetDimensions())) narray = None if volumeNode.GetClassName() in scalarTypes: narray = vtk.util.numpy_support.vtk_to_numpy(vimage.GetPointData().GetScalars()).reshape(nshape) return narray
def astroUpdateVolumeFromArray(volumeNode, narray): """Sets voxels of a volume node from a numpy array. Voxels values are deep-copied, therefore if the numpy array is modified after calling this method, voxel values in the volume node will not change. Dimensions and data size of the source numpy array do not have to match the current content of the volume node. """ vshape = tuple(reversed(narray.shape)) if len(vshape) == 1: narray = numpy.expand_dims(narray, axis=0) narray = numpy.expand_dims(narray, axis=0) vshape = tuple(reversed(narray.shape)) vcomponents = 1 elif len(vshape) == 2: narray = numpy.expand_dims(narray, axis=0) vshape = tuple(reversed(narray.shape)) vcomponents = 1 elif len(vshape) == 3: vcomponents = 1 else: raise RuntimeError("Unsupported numpy array shape: "+str(narray.shape)) vimage = volumeNode.GetImageData() if vimage is None: vimage = vtk.vtkImageData() volumeNode.SetAndObserveImageData(vimage) vtype = vtk.util.numpy_support.get_vtk_array_type(narray.dtype) vimage.SetDimensions(vshape) vimage.AllocateScalars(vtype, vcomponents) narrayTarget = astroArrayFromVolume(volumeNode) narrayTarget[:] = narray # Notify the application that image data is changed # (same notifications as in vtkMRMLVolumeNode.SetImageDataConnection) imageData = volumeNode.GetImageData() pointData = imageData.GetPointData() if imageData else None if pointData is not None: if pointData.GetScalars() is not None: pointData.GetScalars().Modified() volumeNode.StorableModified() volumeNode.Modified() volumeNode.InvokeEvent(slicer.vtkMRMLVolumeNode.ImageDataModifiedEvent, volumeNode)
# Get the data-cube volumes volumeNode = getNode('Name') volumeLabelNode = getNode('LabelName') # masking imageData = volumeNode.GetImageData() imageDataLabel = volumeLabelNode.GetImageData() extent = imageData.GetExtent() for i in range(extent[0], extent[1]+1): for j in range(extent[2], extent[3]+1): for k in range(extent[4], extent[5]+1): if imageDataLabel.GetScalarComponentAsFloat(i,j,k,0) < 1 : imageData.SetScalarComponentFromFloat(i,j,k,0, 0.) # update volume keywords volumeNode.UpdateDisplayThresholdAttributes() volumeNode.UpdateRangeAttributes()
import vtkFitsPython as vtkFits vtkFits.vtkFITSReader() dir(vtkFits)
import numpy as np # load the data slicer.util.loadVolume("fullpath/sofiatestcube.fits",{"center":True}) volumeNode = getNode("sofiatestcube") volumeDisplayNode = volumeNode.GetDisplayNode() IJKToRASMatrix = vtk.vtkMatrix4x4() volumeNode.GetIJKToRASMatrix(IJKToRASMatrix) # create markups node markupsNode = slicer.mrmlScene.AddNewNodeByClass("vtkMRMLMarkupsFiducialNode") markupsNode.CreateDefaultDisplayNodes() markupsDisplayNode = markupsNode.GetDisplayNode() markupsDisplayNode.SetGlyphScale(3) markupsDisplayNode.SetTextScale(3) markupsDisplayNode.SliceProjectionOn() markupsDisplayNode.SliceProjectionUseFiducialColorOff() markupsDisplayNode.SetColor(0.4, 1., 1.) markupsDisplayNode.SetSelectedColor(0.4, 1., 1.) markupsDisplayNode.SetSliceProjectionColor(1., 0.733, 0.078) # load the Sofia catalog table = np.genfromtxt("fullpath/test4slicerastro_cat.ascii", dtype='str') shape = table.shape # In catalogue files produced by Sofia version 1.2 the column indexes for # ra, dec and vopt are respectively: 33, 34, 35. # It is assumed that the epoch of the catalog is the same as the epoch of the # data on which the catalog is over-plotted (volumeNode) for ii in range(shape[0]): world = [(float)(table[ii][32]), (float) (table[ii][33]), (float) (table[ii][34])] ijk = [0., 0., 0.] volumeDisplayNode.GetIJKSpace(world, ijk) position_Ijk = [ijk[0], ijk[1], ijk[2], 1] ras = IJKToRASMatrix.MultiplyPoint(position_Ijk) markupsNode.AddFiducial(ras[0], ras[1], ras[2]) markupsNode.SetNthFiducialLabel(ii, table[ii][36]) markupsNode.SetNthMarkupLocked(ii, 1)
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