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Ansible Lint

Qubinode kvmhost setup role

KVM Host Setup for RHEL Qubinode servers


  • Ansible

Role Variables

variable definition
project_dir location of code and qcow iamge
required_rpm_pakcages list of packages that will be installed
libvirt_services libvirt services
libvirt_host_networks dictionary variable that creates libvirt network xml file. must set the name, mode, and bridge key
libvirt_host_pool Content Cell
kvm_host_ipaddr default value is ansible_default_ipv4.address
kvm_host_ip default value is ansible_default_ipv4.address
kvm_host_interface default value is ansible_default_ipv4.interface
kvm_host_gw default value is ansible_default_ipv4.gateway
kvm_host_macaddr default value is ansible_default_ipv4.mac
kvm_host_netmask default value is ansible_default_ipv4.netmask
kvm_host_mask_prefix default value is ansible_default_ipv4.gateway
kvm_host_bootproto default value is dhcp
kvm_bridge_type default value is Bridge
storage_nic default value is false
libvirt_disk default value is false
qubinode_bridge_name default qubibr0 name of bridge network
qubinode_bridge_fact name of bridge to check for active status
qcow_rhel_name name of default qcow image
admin_user ssh username for kvm server
kvm_host_domain default value is "lab.example"
kvm_host_dns_server default value is ""
dns_servers default value is"{{ dns_server }}" and
kvm_host_libvirt_dir default value is /var/lib/libvirt/images
configure_bridge set to false to skip creating a bridge interface
configure_shell Configure the user bash shell login prompt
cockpit_packages default packages for cockpit
cicd_test set to true to test in container


Example Playbook

- name: Ensure that Libvirt is configured
  hosts: localhost
    kvm_host_ipaddr: ''
    kvm_host_interface: 'eno1'
    kvm_host_gw: ''
    kvm_host_mask_prefix: 24
    admin_user: admin
    vm_libvirt_net: qubinet
    cicd_test: true
    - role: qubinode_kvmhost_setup



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