CSE 283/BENG 203 Data Wrangling in Bioinformatics Project
- Boqi Wang
- Banghua Xu
- Laurel Li
The data is hosted on Google Drive. To download it, please run the following command:
gdown --folder https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Yf9y6dfLx17lnGSRy97tdzISu54vk_FM
After downloading the data, please unzip the file and make sure the data in the datasets
folder. The data should be organized as follows:
├── code/
├── datasets/
│ ├── datasets_h5ad/
│ ├── datasets_processed/
│ ├── datasets_raw/
│ ├── gencode.v46.basic.annotation.gtf
├── README.md
├── ...