A demonstration of the speed of YottaDB against RocksDB
The demonstration performs 4 tests:
Sequential writes - Writing 466550 records to each database with sequentials keys. Records are taken from the words.txt file in both the rocksdb and yottadb directories
Sequentual reads - Reading the 466550 records back one after the other
Random writes - Overwriting 100 random records from each database. Record numbers are taken from the random.txt file in both the rocksdb and yottadb directories.
Random reads - Reading back the same 100 records.
NOTE the RocksDB container has been built for production i.e. with make shared_lib, as recommended
Also note that the tests are not "perfect". Performance will not solely be down to the underlying database technologies. A proportion of the execution time will be taken by code execution and this will be dependant on the quality of the YottaDB and RocksDB libraries. Additional consideration needs to be made for the fact that the YottaDB tests were written in C and the RockDB tests written in C++
Once the environment has been provisioned and period of a minute has passed, two results windows will open, one showing the results for YottaDB and one showing the results for RocksDB.
YottaDB - https://yottadb.com/
RocksDB - http://rocksdb.org/