ToolLOA is a modified version of proot-distro made to make linux installation for education purpose easier for termux. Basically my modded version of proot-distro
To install dependencies first upgrade your termux packages
apt update && apt upgrade -y
Next install dependencies
apt install bzip2 axel ncurses-utils tar proot git -y
Next get the source of ToolLOA
git clone
Next we need cd to the Toolloa folder give permissions & install the toolloa
cd Toolloa
chmod +x
🧐 Toolloa is installed now
- Assuming that you want to install ubuntu 18.04 (bionic)
toolloa install bionic
toolloa login bionic
toolloa list
toolloa reset bionic
argument reinstalles distro by wiping previous installation ( all your data will get lost ) (dosen`t effect your internal storage)
toolloa remove bionic
argument deletes all files in installed directory (dosen`t effect your internal storage)
toolloa login bionic $(echo "Hello World!")
- ubuntu 20.10 groovy (groovy)
- ubuntu 20.04 focal (focal)
- ubuntu 18.04 bionic (bionic)
- kali nethunter-rootless (nethunter)
- alpine (alpine)
- arch Linux (archlinux)
- Old builds like Ubuntu bionic are recomended to install cause Android blocks important syscalls in newer builds like (ubuntu(groovy,focal) , kali nethunter) which lead to problems like kde-desktop crash and etc. Be sure to notice me in issues if you find any problems except
dependent in newer builds and common issues so that i can provide more accurate description and docs.
- xfce4
- mate
- lxde
- lxqt