- 🤔 On this page you can find some interesting and exiting things about me.
- ⚙️ I'm particulary focused on the backend and in making cool things.
- 🖥️ I'm always interested and exited about learning new stuff.
- 💡 Feel free to contact me at any time, oh and I love to make mistakes to be able to get better in my programming skills.
- 📚 Interesting things I want to learn more about are: Rust, everything that has to do with memory, C#, TS/JS and things that takes my interest.
- 💻 I'm currently learning more about Rust and C#.
- 💬 You can ask me anything about HTML/CSS, SQL, PHP or C#/Java.
- 🍃 If there is something interesting, I'm available for collaberations.
- 🎮 You can reach me out on Discord: redisgaming.