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This repo includes the backend for the lottery-application, which is used to deploy smart-contracts within the Ethereum blockchain. The frontend was developed with Next.js, to find the configuration follow the next link: Lottery

Technologies used

  1. Next.js - Framework used for frontend
  2. TypeScript - Programming Language fo frontend
  3. Web3.js - Library to manage transactions among betters wihtin Next.js
  4. MetaMask - Virtual wallet to hold cryptocurrency
  5. Infura - API which connects projects to the Ethereum Blockchain
  6. Solidity - Programming Language for smart-contracts
  7. Truffle - Framework for deploying smart-contracts

Smart Contract Structure


Important things to take into consideration

  1. Create a .env file in the project which contains your Ethereum address and Infura's API Key (Infura Rinkeby)
// .env file
PRIVATE_KEY_1=Your Ethereum Address
INFURA_API_KEY=Your Infura's API key
  1. Metamask is essential since the program is implemented to use it
  2. To deploy smart-contracts a small amount of Ethereum is needed, so in the internet there are lot of pages to get Ethereum for Rinkeby's testnet
  3. To carry out the transactions, smart-contracts need LINKs which is a type of cryptocurrency, to get them you can go to ChainLink, after getting them, send those LINKs to the smart-contract's address
  4. Install the dependencies

Deploy smart contract

Run the following command to execute and deploy your smart-contracts

truffle migrate --network rinkeby