- An App to take digital break
- An App to remind users to take breaks and relax their eyes while working on the computer.
What is the purpose behind this project?
This project aims to explore various build systems, computer architectures, and operating systems available across the internet. Additionally, it will open a GIF with deep breathing instructions every hour, covering your entire screen.
: This variable sets the duration for which you want the popup to appear. The default value is 60 seconds (1 minute). You must provide this value in seconds. -
: This variable sets the interval after which you want the popup to appear. The default value is 60 minutes. You must provide this value in minutes.
Set these environment variables in your shell configuration files (e.g., .bashrc
or .zshrc
). For example:
Download the .deb
file from one of the stable https://github.com/RstEyeApp/rsteye/releases/
and install it by running:
sudo dpkg -i rsteye.deb
After installation, you can run RstEyeApp &
from any terminal:
you can use service file as well to start it in the background
reload systemctl using sudo systemctl daemon-reload
and then start the service sudo systemctl start rsteyeapp.service
(currently not working)
create virtual env and install dependencies
- python3 -m venv .venv
- source .venv/bin/activate
- python3 -m pip install pillow pyinstaller python-dotenv
run below command to create a binary file to package it as deb package
pyinstaller --name RstEyeApp --windowed --onefile --add-data "med.gif:." --add-data "rsteye.png:." --hidden-import=PIL.ImageTk --additional-hooks-dir=hooks app.py
create a deb package(
dpkg-deb --build rsteye
) after copying the binary to deb_package(rsteye) usr/bin and creating DEBIAN files
Create a Virtual Environment and Install Dependencies
- python3 -m venv .venv
- source .venv/bin/activate
- python3 -m pip install pillow pyinstaller python-dotenv
pyinstaller --name RstEyeApp --windowed --onefile --add-data "med.gif:." --add-data "rsteye.png:." --hidden-import=PIL.ImageTk --additional-hooks-dir=hooks app.py
create an installer after following the below instructions
Create scripts files
Create postinstall, preinstall and user_input.applescript files
Make the script files executable
chmod +x mac_os_files/scripts/*
Ensure the plist file is ready and accessible in mac_os_files
Example: cp ./com.rsteye.rsteye.plist mac_os_files/
Build the installer package
pkgbuild --root dist/RstEyeApp.app \ --scripts mac_os_files/scripts \ --identifier com.rsteye.rsteye \ --version 1.0 \ --install-location /Applications/RstEyeApp \ mac_os_files/RstEyeApp.pkg
Final installer
productbuild --distribution mac_os_files/distribution.xml \ --resources mac_os_files/resources \ --package-path mac_os_files \ --version 1.0 \ RstEyeAppInstaller.pkg
- Check system logs:
- sudo launchctl list | grep com.rsteye.rsteye
- Check system logs:
- log show --predicate 'process =="RstEyeApp"' --info --last 1h
- Check system logs:
- sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.rsteye.rsteye.plist
- sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.rsteye.env.plist
- sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.rsteye.rsteye.plist
- sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.rsteye.env.plist
Create Virtual Environment and Install Dependencies
- python -m venv .venv
- ..venv\Scripts\activate
- python -m pip install pillow pyinstaller python-dotenv
Build PyInstaller Application
- Run the following command to create a binary file:
pyinstaller --name RstEyeApp --onefile --add-data "med.gif;." --add-data "rsteye.png:." --hidden-import=PIL.ImageTk --additional-hooks-dir=hooks --icon=rsteye.ico app.py
- Run the following command to create a binary file:
Install Inno setup(https://jrsoftware.org/isdl.php#stable) for windows and run below command to generate an installer
- "C:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 6\ISCC.exe" setup.iss
participant User
participant App
participant ImageLoader
User->>App: Clicks to load image
App->>User: Shows popup with new message
User->>App: Reads breathing exercise message
App->>ImageLoader: Requests image
ImageLoader->>App: Loads image
App->>User: Displays image