Releases: STARIONGROUP/reqifviewer
Releases · STARIONGROUP/reqifviewer
Version 2.2.0
This version includes the following features:
- [Update] dependencies
- [Simplify] docker-compose
- [Update] docker file to make use of: AS final (resolves a number of CVE's)
Version 2.1.0
Version 2.0.0
This version includes the following features:
- [Update] Update to Starion Group
- [Update] to ReqIFSharp.Extensions version 3.0.0
- [Improve] server reconnection behavior
Version 1.1.0
Version 1.0.0
This version includes the following features:
- Convert the application to blazor server side using aspnet8.0; fixes #44
- [Add] Set up JDK 17 to CodeQuality.yml
- [Update] copyright statements
- [Add] apsettings
- [Add] ResourceLoader and ascii-art
- [Update] dependencies
- [Update] Docker file
Version 0.18.0
This version includes the following features:
- [Update] dependencies
Version 0.17.0
This version includes the following features:
- [Update] dependencies and bump to version 0.17.0
Version 0.16.0
This version includes the following features:
- [Update] to .NET7
- [Update] dependencies
- [Simplify] solution by removing ReqifViewer.Infrastructure project (classes moved to reqifviewer project)
- [Update] DockerFile
Version 0.15.0
This version includes the following features:
- [Fix] title to not overwrite with GitHub in browser tab
Version 0.14.0
This version includes the following features:
- [Update] coverlet and nunit dependencies
- [Update] to Radzen.Blazor version 3.19.9
- [Update] to ReqIFSharp version 6.0.0-RC1
- [Update] to ReqIFSharp.Extensions version 1.0.0-RC3
- [Update] to BlazorStrap version 5.0.106
- [Replace] extension methods from ReqifViewer.Infrastructure with ReqIFSharp.Extensions library version 1.0.0-RC2
- [Add] open-iconic icons
- [Update] copyright statement to 2021-2022
- [Fix] style of InputFile after upgrade to bootstrap 5
- [Fix] specrelations and details page header; fixes #38
- [Add] build statistics to the README; fixes #22
- [Update] CodeQuality.yml to account for multiple test projects in the solution, remove CodeCov
- [Redactor] side=menu using BlazorStrap BSOffCanvas component; fixes #42
- [Add] SpecObjectsComponent to SpecTypeDetailsPage; fixes #36
- [Update] text-size of footer