We are building a neighbourhood collaboration site and we want to make a system to keep track of people, houses, and addresses of those houses.
- Each person has a name, age and number of people in their household
- Each house has an address and an owner
- Each address has a postcode and street address
The REST API will need to enable users to:
- Store people, houses and addresses
- Look up a house, its address and owner
- Look up people in our neighbourhood within certain age brackets and with specific household sizes
Consider the type of data we will be storing and therefore the type of database we should implement (SQL vs NoSQL)
Because the data we are handling is structured and will involve joining database tables together, we elected to go for a relational database. This will allows us to link each residents to a household which will be linked to an address. See our proposed schema below.
Create a schema for this database
Please note the arrows are meant to be double headed
Possible updates
- Could add “isDestroyed” to household -- Land to build a household on
- Could add “maxHouseholdCapacity” to household -- to check wether we can authorise additonal resident in an household
Consider the requests our API should be capable of handling
REST API needs to…
Get household
Get address
Get owner
Get people in our neighborhood within age brackets and house size (??)
Post person/:id to house
Post house (multiple houses?)
Delete owner (change of ownership)
Delete person from household (braving the outside world)
Delete household (natural disaster, demolished, act of god)
Patch/put address (move house?)
Patch/put owner
Patch/put person (change name or pronouns)
List the routes you will need with their HTTP verb and path
Our steps:
Step 1: Write query e.g.,
SELECT residents.name, residents.age, address.street_address FROM residents, households, addresses WHERE residents.age > 20 AND residents.age < 40 AND count(households.resident_id) < 10
Step 2: create route to fire the query
Step 3: http formatted with params
Route | Verb | Action |
/households/ | GET | Information about all households |
/households/id: | GET | Information about specific house |
/people/ | GET | Information about all people |
/people/id | GET | Information about individual |
/people?age=ageBrackets&householdSize=size | GET | List with age+size confinements |
/people/id | POST | Create a new person |
/households/ | POST | Create a new house |
/owner/:id | DELETE | Remove owner_id, isOwner= false |
/people/:id | DELETE | Remove resident record, resident_ID |
/household/:id | DELETE | Remove id from address table + ID |
/address/:id/edit | PATCH/PUT | Update address |
/Owner/:id/edit | PATCH/PUT | update owner |
/person/:id/edit | PATCH/PUT | update person |
Determine the responses that should be returned and the content types of these requests and responses
Get | No Content | Work |
Get Household | 404 | 200 |
Get address | 404 | 200 |
Get Owner | 404 | 200 |
get people within age+size | 404 | 200 |
Post | No Content | Work |
Post person | 404 | 201 |
Post house | 404 | 201 |
Delete | No Content | Unauthorized | Bad Credentials | Work |
Delete Owner | 404 | 200 | 403 | 200 |
Delete Person | 404 | 200 | 403 | 200 |
Delete household | 404 | 200 | 403 | 202 |
Patch | No Content | Work |
Patch/Put address | 404 | 200 |
Patch/Put owner | 404 | 200 |
Patch/Put person | 404 | 202 |