A playground for testing/learning Python, plus git commands via the Windows Linux Subsystem. Don't judge too much (looking at u bluehat... lol)
- Tkinter - Processing Scheduling
- - a basic scheduling program made to represent the scheduling method for processes. Practicing tkinter by re-doing an old C++ project of mine in Python.
- Pygame - Sideway Shooter
- - a basic program made to test pygame, makes a sideway shooter (style like alien invader but sideways).
- Pygame - get_keys and get_mouse_pos
- - quick scripts used to test keyboard input and mouse position when clicking
- OilComp
- - a basic program made to use and format staff data, and generate different oil tanks which the user can then use to operate.
- StudentRecords
- - a basic program made to read student data, format it, and then return it to the user.
- Staff Data
- - a basic program made to generate staff data and then format that said data for the user.
- Decent Calculator
- - a decent calculator made with some better python stuff (better, but not amazing).
- Basic Calculator
- - a basic calculator made with some beginner stuff.