is a small and handy command-line-based application that allows extracting individual data signals from Karat 32 data files. The extracted data signals are then saved as simple text files, which can easily processed by other applications.
is easy to use on any platform that supports Python and also provides some command line parameters to extract specific traces or header information of a data file. The program is released under the GNU General Public License 3 (GPLv3) and I hope that it is of use for the capillary electrophoresis community.
Use it like
$ ./ testdata.dat
and it will generate text files in the format of testdata.SN.txt, where SN is the individual signal number. Each text file includes further information of the signal and experiment.
There are some command line parameters available:
$ ./ -h
usage: [-h] [-v] [-a | -f | -i | -t | -e ID] inputfile
Knuteon! This program extracts the data from Karat32 data files.
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version prints version information
-a, --all extracts all detector traces and saves them as files
-f, --list_files lists all files and streams in the data file
-i, --print_header prints only the header information (chrom header)
-t, --list_traces lists all traces in the data file
-e ID, --extract_trace ID
extracts the single trace given by ID and prints it to