We have decided to break the labs into 3 distinct sections: Expose, Explore, and Expand.
The first section, Expose, will be brief - it is designed to be the most important half of the normal lab. This is the only required section, and upon completing it you will receive up to 8 points out of 10 for this lab.
was not brief at all
The second section, Explore, will cover the second half of the normal lab and is worth up to the other 2 points. This will help you get a deeper understanding of the material if you have the time, and upon completion of both Expose and Explore you will receive the maximum credit for the lab (assuming you’ve done everything properly).
everyone's going to do this anyways
The third section, Expand, is 100% optional and worth no points or extra credit. This section is a series of free response questions aimed to make you think critically about the lab material and the goal of the lab itself. There are no requirements for length and no specific answers that we are looking for, but we would like to see that your responses are your own thoughts and that fair effort has been put into them (e.g. it probably should be more than just a few quick sentences to be done properly). This section is designed for students who are engaged with the material and wish to go above and beyond, so it’s simply to be done for learning’s sake if you so choose. We believe completing these will aid in your project / career outcomes. Students who already have background in some of this material are encouraged to not forgo this section.
why would anyone do this