Title: Visualization and Prediction of the Company’s Revenue Using Machine Learning and Data Analysis
📄 Published in: International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
🔍 Paper ID: IJRASET48773, Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2023
Excited to share my research exploring innovative approaches to visualize and predict company revenue using machine learning and data analysis. Check out the full paper in the International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology. 🚀📊🤖
1-> First download all required packages which will be used to run this project 1) numpy 2)pandas 3)matplotlib 4)seaborn 5)sklearn 6)xgboost 7)math
2-> Open folder "Group 42 Final Year Project" then open "Code.py" file and then execute that file.
3-> Then result of the code will be displayed on your screen.
4-> For viewing the next image in serialize manner please close the current image and you can see the output in terminal window.
1-> First step is to open the link --> https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1FoYFZWnS6Sze774xg-U7gtJhcokcTiIF
2-> Execute the first step so that the dataset can be uploaded and then upload the "dataset.csv" from the folder "Group 42 Final Year Project".
3-> Then you can execute the other cells in a serial order for various operation and their outcomes.