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complete program for RISC-V RV32I based 5-Stage Pipelined Processor with Hazard Control

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#RISC-V view the file in the code format (else suffer ;) )

View the PPT for simulated output waveform.

It is a fully working RISC-V 5 stage pipeline with full hazard control model with functional for every instruction given below.

view the file in the code format (else suffer ;) )

View the PPT for simulated output waveform.

Table Opcodes Instruction Signals to ALU Inst Name Opcode Funct3 Funct7 br ALUsel ALUop LUI Load Upper Immediate 0110111 0 100 8 AUIPC Add Upper Immediate With PC 0010111 0 100 8 JAL Jump and Link 1101111 0 110 12 JALR Jump and Link Register 1100111 0 110 12 LB Load Byte 0000011 000 0 111 20 LH Load Halfword 0000011 001 0 111 21 LW Load Word 0000011 010 0 111 22 LBU Load Byte Unsigned 0000011 100 0 111 23 LHU Load Halfword Unsigned 0000011 101 0 111 24 SB Store Byte 0100011 000 0 111 25 SH Store Halfword 0100011 001 0 111 26 SW Store Word 0100011 010 0 111 27 ADDI Add Immediate 0010011 000 0 100 8 SLTI Set Less Than Immediate 0010011 010 0 100 9 SLTIU Set Less Than Immediate Unsigned 0010011 011 0 100 10 XORI Exclusive OR Immediate 0010011 100 0 001 3 ORI OR Immediate 0010011 110 0 001 2 ANDI AND Immediate 0010011 111 0 001 1 SLLI Shift Left Logical Immediate 0010011 001 0 010 5 SRLI Shift Right Logical Immediate 0010011 101 0000000 0 010 6 SRAI Shift Right Arithmetic Immediate 0010011 101 0100000 0 010 7 ADD Add 0110011 000 0000000 0 100 8 SUB Subtract 0110011 000 0100000 0 100 11 SLL Shift Left Logical 0110011 001 0000000 0 010 5 SLT Set Less Than 0110011 010 0 100 6 SLTU Set Less Than Unsigned 0110011 011 0 100 6 XOR Exclusive OR 0110011 100 0 001 3 SRL Shift Right Logical 0110011 101 0000000 0 010 6 SRA Shift Right Arithmetic 0110011 101 0100000 0 010 7 OR OR 0110011 110 0 001 AND AND 0110011 111 0 001 BEQ Branch on Equal 1100011 000 1 110 14 BNE Branch on Not Equal 1100011 001 1 110 15 BLT Branch on Less Than 1100011 100 1 110 16 BGE Branch on Greater Than or Equal 1100011 101 1 110 17 BLTU Branch on Less Than Unsigned 1100011 110 1 110 18 BGEU Branch on Greater Than or Equal Unsigned 1100011 111 1 110 19

*Cells left blank signify that those instructions don’t have the field in the instruction format

A) Specifications Register Bank Size 128 bytes Instruction memory size Upto 4 GB Data memory size Upto 4 GB Clock Frequency 50 MHz Bus size 32-bit Pipeline Stages 5 RISC-V Base Integer set RV32I

Register banks: Each register size is 4 bytes (i.e. 32 bit) and the number of registers is 32. Therefore, the size of the register bank is 128 Bytes.

Instruction Memory size:

  1. Number of addresses: We can calculate the total number of unique memory locations using 2 raised to the power of the number of address bits (2^32).
  2. Memory size: Since each address points to a 1 byte Memory Size (words) = 2^32 bytes * 1 byte = 4,294,967,296 byte = 4GB

Data Memory size: 3. Number of addresses: We can calculate the total number of unique memory locations using 2 raised to the power of the number of address bits (2^32). 4. Memory size: Since each address points to a 32-bit word: Memory Size (words) = 2^32 bytes * 4 bytes = 4,294,967,296 bytes = 16GB Address bus: It is of 32 bits.

Data bus: It is of 32 bits.

Pipeline Stages: There are 5 stages and we divided by these stages using 4 pipeline registers

  1. Fetch

  2. Decode

  3. Execute

  4. Memory

    B) ALUsel Table

ALUsel Function 000 NOP 001 Logical operation 010 Shift operation 011 Move operation 100 Arithmetic Operation 101 Mul 110 Branch Operation 111 Load/Store operation

C) ALUop Table

ALUop Function 0 NOP 1 AND 2 OR 3 XOR 5 SLL 6 SRL 7 SRA 8 ADD 9 SLT 10 SLTU 11 SUB 12 JAL 13 JALR 14 BEQ 15 BNE 16 BLT 17 BGE 18 BLTU 19 BGEU 20 LB 21 LH 22 LW 23 LBU 24 LHU 25 SB 26 SH 27 SW


complete program for RISC-V RV32I based 5-Stage Pipelined Processor with Hazard Control






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