This webapp realizes CRUD-system (create-read-update-delete) with using of principle of MVC (model-view-controller).
This app can be pushed and used with any development environment that supports Java (IntellijIDEA, Eclipse, others) and, don't forget, server container (tomcat, glassfish, others).
Follow the link App for CRUD and enjoy to use app!
After you pushed webapp, you can use it. Steps of work are next:
I. Authentication;
II. Authorization;
III. Use functions for update data depending on your role;
IV. Log out.
This project contains basic tests (JUnit, Hamcrest, Mockito) for this webapp yet. So you can check it.
- Java Core;
- Commons-fileupload;
- Log4j;
- Amazon AWS;
- Mockito;
- JUnit;
- Hamcrest;
- PostgreSQL;
- Servlet;
- JSP;
- CSS;
- Apache Tomcat Server
Sergey Gromovoy