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Run advanced analytics on passive DNS measurements to find manipulating resolvers

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REMeDy: Automatic Detection of DNS Manipulations

REMeDy is a system that assists operators to identify the use of rogue DNS resolvers in their networks. REMeDy is a completely automatic and parameter-free system that evaluates the consistency of responses across the resolvers active in the network. It operates by passively analyzing DNS traffic and, as such, requires no active probing of third-party servers. REMeDy is able to detect resolvers that manipulate answers, including resolvers that affect unpopular domains.

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Prerequisites and Installation

You need Python and Apache Spark installed on you machine. Few python packages are needed: numpy pandas pyasn. You can install them using the pip tool.

You can install REMeDy issuing the git command:

git clone

How To Run It

Prepare the dataset

As first, obtain a dataset. In this example, we imagine to have a dataset called ISP1_anon.gz.

You must uncompress the archive. Just type:

zcat ISP1_anon.gz > ISP1_anon

REMeDy expect the dataset is on HDFS, so copy it on HDFS:

hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal ISP1_anon ISP1_anon

Run REMeDy

To run REMeDy, use the script called It expects two arguments: the input dataset and the output directory. In this example, you may want to run:

./ ISP1_anon ISP1_anon_output

In ISP1_anon_output (in your local file system), you find the output of REMeDy. The important file is final-report-res.csv. It contains the retrieved manipulations, along with per-resolver statistics. It is CSV file with the following columns:

  • resolver: The IP address of a resolver

General Resolver Statistics

  • queried_domains: How many (unique) domains have been queried to that resolver
  • count: How many queries did that resolver receive
  • clients: How many clients contacted the resolver

Anomaly Details these columns are not-empty only where some anomaly is found for that resolver

  • asn: destination ASN of manipulated answers
  • domains: manipulated domains
  • servers: IP address returned in manipulated answers


Run advanced analytics on passive DNS measurements to find manipulating resolvers






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