Hello people, here are all the resources that you will need for participating in this development sprint.
- The event will be conducted online.
- Duration of the event will be FIVE DAYS.
- Participants are expected to complete the tasks assigned to them within the given time frame.
- You can work at any pace you are comfortable with. All that matters is that you get your tasks done.
- Evaluation will be done on the basis of your performance in this event.
The following are the tasks that will be assigned to you.
- Implement a given UI design using Flutter. The design will be shared via Figma. Link to UI design.
- Code review : Read, review, analyse and correct some code.
Note: You are expected to make use of git during the sprint. Submission of your work has to be done through GIthub. Commit all the work that you do to a private repository on GitHub and give access to your mentor.