Welcome to the 2019 Robot Code for the World Champ robot: Fireball! We use Gradle to build here. For a walk-through on installing the build system on your computer, check out guides/InstallGuide.md
. Then, run ./gradlew build
in the top-level directory.
Some unique and interesting features to look for:
- Custom vision alignment control algorithm used in teleop and sandstorm by running three PID loops off the roboRIO based off Limelight x-offset, y-offset (for real time distance calculations), and target skew/rotation
- Automated L3, buddy-L3, and L2 climb sequences
- Limelight as a source for driver feedback
- State machine to handle automated motions for simultaneous elevator, cargo, and hatch intake
- Current low-pass filtering for cargo intake
- Utilizing motion magic control mode on Talon SRXs for elevator motions
- GreyDash - custom, real-time dashboard primarily used for tuning PID and reading miscellaneous robot data (based on FRCDashboard pre-electron)
- GreyCTRE/GreySparkMax Wrapper - used to set default values for all Talon SRXs/Victor SPXs and Spark MAXs
- Coding style checker at commit following our own style guide (found in the
Thank you to everyone who helped with our code for this year! Special thanks to the following.
- Kyle D (Lead Programmer): @KyleD973
- Chris M (Veteran): @Chrismac112
- Chris L (Veteran): @Chris2fourlaw
- Luis V (New!): @Luis-Velasco
- Dylan F (New!): @Dylan-Fitchmun
- Allen B: @rubikscube4
- Andrew N: @yabberyabber
- Oliver C: @ocurr
- John P: @AddictArts