The IMDb dataset comprises the following columns:
- id: Unique movie identifier.
- belongs_to_collection: Collection information for the movie.
- budget: Production budget.
- genres: Movie genres.
- homepage: URL to the movie’s homepage.
- imdb_id: IMDb unique identifier.
- original_language: Language of the movie.
- original_title: Original title.
- overview: Movie synopsis.
- popularity: Popularity score.
- poster_path: Path to the movie poster.
- production_companies: Companies involved in production.
- production_countries: Countries of production.
- release_date: Date of release.
- runtime: Duration of the movie.
- spoken_languages: Languages spoken.
- status: Movie status.
- tagline: Movie tagline.
- title: Title of the movie.
- Keywords: Relevant keywords.
- cast: Main actors.
- crew: Main crew members.
- revenue: Total revenue.