A DataPreneur hailing from the land of Majestic Mountains who loves to find the Altitude of data and leverage it's power.
💻 Senior Data Engineer @Incedo Inc. | Big Data | Machine Learning || Primary Skills: Python, AWS, SQL, PySpark, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Hadoop, Apache Airflow, Apache Kafka, ETL development, Dashboard Visualization
🖥 I previously worked as **2. Data Engineer @ ZS Associates. 2. Machine Learning & Data Engineer @ Vaionex Corporation, 3. Data Engineer @ Bungee Tech, 4. Machine Learning Developer Intern @Dcoder 5. Machine Learning Intern @CodeSpeedy Technology **
📝 I regulary write on [https://medium.com/@tekrajawasthi15, https://x.com/trawasthi_ai]
💬 You can ask me about ** Big Data, AI, Machine Learning, Data Science, AWS Cloud**
📫 How to reach me tekrajawasthi15@gmail.com, https://www.linkedin.com/in/tekrajawasthi15/