A Clipboard Assistant in C#
The Clipboard Assistant is designed to give a response in a Windows Notification from the selected input. Since the first version of the project, the project is expanded with multiple functions to supply the user as best as possible. You can find a list of functions down below.
- Place your local map at a location on your pc that is easy to find.
- Make a git remote to pull and to push to the git repository.
- Read the usage and style guides before pushing.
- Watch out for merge conflicts.
- Change the existing name to your name in the project files.
- Calculate sums that you copy.
- Possibility to put in custom question and answers.
- Number to roman when, for example, you copy 1 to roman.
- Desktop files organizer.
- When you copy a country you get the local time zone.
- Number to hexdecimal
- Bmi calculator when you copy for example (20age 80kg 180cm to bmi)
- Number to binary
- Stopwatch with only using clipboard and windows notifications.
- Possibility to calculate days between 2 dates.
The program works on things that you copy. For example, you can calculate a sum simply by copying the sum you want to calculate. The program gives a result in a notification and the answer can be added to the sum. You can also view the live bitcoin price with my program by copying bitcoin, bitcoin price or bitcoin price, which is also the same for Ethereum. You can also convert a number or date to roman numeral, for example by copying this. 10 to roman, or 28-01-2020 to roman for dates. Another feature is to put your own question in questions.cs in a dictionary so that you have your own answer program. The effect of this is that you copy a question that you have stored there and you get the answer to that question via notification. When you enter for example the number 10 to hex or 10 to binary the program will convert a number to both hex decimal or a binary number.
If you would like to contribute to the plugin (e.g. by improving the documentation, solving a bug or adding a cool new feature), please carefully review our contribution guide and send us your pull request.
The Clipboard Assistant is a simple C# program based on a idea from Teun van den Broek. Contact him by creating an issue on Github.