Replace existing product sliders with modern swiper implementation.
Copy files into following directory
Add following to composer.json on the shop root
"autoload": { "psr-4": { "rs\\productlistslider\\": "./source/modules/rs/productlistslider" } },
Refresh autoloader files with composer.
composer dump-autoload
Template changes:
In the file /var/www/html/oxid6_1_dev/source/Application/views/wave/tpl/widget/product/list.tpl add following:
... [{if $products && !empty($products)}] [{* rs-productlistslider start *}] [{block name="rs_productlistslider"}] [{* rs-productlistslider end *}] [{math equation="x / y" x=12 y=$iProductsPerLine assign="iColIdent"}] <div class="list-container" id="[{$listId}]"> .... [{counter print=false assign="productlistCounter" start=0}] </div> [{* rs-productlistslider start *}] [{/block}] [{* rs-productlistslider end *}] ....
In the file /var/www/html/oxid6_1_dev/source/Application/views/wave/tpl/page/shop/start.tpl add following:
... [{* rs-productslider start *}] [{section name=list start=1 loop=10 step=1}] [{assign var=id value="rs_productlistslider_"|cat:$smarty.section.list.index}] [{assign var=head value=$id|cat:"_head"}] [{assign var=subhead value=$id|cat:"_subhead"}] [{assign var=list value=$oView->loadActionList($id)}] [{if $list}] [{include file="widget/product/list.tpl" type="infogrid" head=$head|oxmultilangassign subhead=$subhead|oxmultilangassign:$list->count() listId=$id products=$list showMainLink=true iProductsPerLine=4}] [{/if}] [{/section}] [{* rs-productslider end *}] [{insert name="oxid_tracker"}] ....
Execute following SQL statment to add more action lists to the start page
INSERT INTO `oxactions` (`OXID`, `OXSHOPID`, `OXTYPE`, `OXTITLE`, OXLONGDESC, OXLONGDESC_1, OXLONGDESC_2, OXLONGDESC_3) VALUES ('rs_productlistslider_1', '1', '1', 'Startpage Action List 1','','','',''); INSERT INTO `oxactions` (`OXID`, `OXSHOPID`, `OXTYPE`, `OXTITLE`, OXLONGDESC, OXLONGDESC_1, OXLONGDESC_2, OXLONGDESC_3) VALUES ('rs_productlistslider_2', '1', '1', 'Startpage Action List 2','','','',''); INSERT INTO `oxactions` (`OXID`, `OXSHOPID`, `OXTYPE`, `OXTITLE`, OXLONGDESC, OXLONGDESC_1, OXLONGDESC_2, OXLONGDESC_3) VALUES ('rs_productlistslider_3', '1', '1', 'Startpage Action List 3','','','',''); INSERT INTO `oxactions` (`OXID`, `OXSHOPID`, `OXTYPE`, `OXTITLE`, OXLONGDESC, OXLONGDESC_1, OXLONGDESC_2, OXLONGDESC_3) VALUES ('rs_productlistslider_4', '1', '1', 'Startpage Action List 4','','','',''); INSERT INTO `oxactions` (`OXID`, `OXSHOPID`, `OXTYPE`, `OXTITLE`, OXLONGDESC, OXLONGDESC_1, OXLONGDESC_2, OXLONGDESC_3) VALUES ('rs_productlistslider_5', '1', '1', 'Startpage Action List 5','','','','');
Enable module in the oxid admin area, Extensions => Modules
Clear template and language cache