Rotor blade balancer for autogyro rotors is passive device. It allows precise determination a two-dimensional position of rotor blade center of gravity.
The blade balancer is used in that way:
- The balancer needs to be levelled to avoid a systematic error.
- A rotor blade is inserted under blade balancer scale
- The rotor blade needs to be balanced to level by sliding the blade in longitudal direction. The level is marked by level bubbles on the balancer sides.
- The actual Plumb line is marked by pencil around the balancer scale
- Tho rotor blade is flipped to symmetric possition by sliding to 90 degrees. (The two triangles supporting the blade should rotate around screws)
- The rotor blade needs to be balanced again by sliding. The new plumb line ortogonal to previous need to be marked by pencil.
- Rotor blade COG is located under intersection of the two lines.