The Novel Coronavirus (Covid19), a virus that has effected approximately 3 Million people across the world has been analysed in this project.
- The analysis was performed by gathering related datasets of four (4) different formats: .xml, .json, .csv and web scrapped data.
- Pre-processing: web-scrapping data off the two websites, extracted XML data, stored these data into mongoDB, cleaned and saved the processed data into PostgreSQL
- Wesbsite 1:
- Wesbsite 2:
- CSV Dataset:
- XML dataset:
- JSON dataset:
- After fetching, pre-processing and combining all these datasets, visualization on the Covid19 data was carried out and a forecast on new cases and deaths was predicted using Auto-ARIMA model.
- The visualizationsprovides understanding of the patterns of the impact of Covid-19 outbreak over different Countries, number of deaths, number of people recovered, and regions highly effected.