- Thua Duc Nguyen
- Duc Trung Nguyen
- Taskfile: https://taskfile.dev/
task build
Usage: ./client [options]
-a Send a GOSSIP_ANNOUNCE message
-d string
GOSSIP host module IP
-m string
GOSSIP host module port
-n Send a GOSSIP_NOTIFY message
-p int
GOSSIP host module port
Send a GOSSIP_ANNOUNCE message:
./client -a -d -p 9001 -m announce_message
Send a GOSSIP_NOTIFY message:
./client -n -d -p 9001 -m notify_message
1. task build
2. ./bootstrapper : to start bootstrapping server
3. ./server run first server
4. ./server run second test server
// imitate another module send notify message to gossip API
5. ./client -n -d -p 9001 -t 1
// trigger one gossip node spread notify message to its neighbour
6. ./client -a -d -p [API_PORT_OF_A_NODE] -m randomm -ttl 3
all receiving gossip node will handle the notify message if there is matching in notify Channel
- Build image for Bootstrapper:
docker build -f Dockerfile.bootstrapper -t my-bootstrapper .
- Build image for Node:
docker build -t my-node-image-new-config .
- Run
docker compose up -d