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Desktop CPU Monitor I threw together while trying to debug some issues with my computer. Have not been dedicating a lot of time to this lately since I'm not on a machine with Snap access anymore.



This application provides a real-time graphical representation of CPU utilization for each logical core. It displays the utilization percentage and frequency of each core with history going back 20 measurements.

The ultimate goal is to have something more akin to the performance tab in Windows Task Manager.



  • Displays CPU core utilization and frequency.
  • Real-time (every 2 seconds) updates for each CPU core.
  • Utilization graphs showing history.


Currently, this application is only available on x86 machines running linux. ARM64 is available via snap with the --edge flag but it's untested.

Snap Store

  • Install the snap package with
sudo snap install tylercode-cycles
  • A "Release" build will be out once I've tested it on a few other machines.


  • Coming in 0.5


  • Download the latest .AppImage from the releases page.
  • Run the AppImage

Plain old executable

  • Download the latest release on the github release page. Found here...
  • Download the "cycles" file or the entire zip
  • Make it executable if it isn't already
chmod +x cycles
  • Run it! (double click or ./cycles)



  • Go (Golang) installed on your system.
  • Fyne library for UI development in Go.
  • gopsutil library for accessing system information.


This section needs an overhaul, will be updating the Wiki with both a Fedora based and Ubuntu based guide.

To set up the project on your local machine:

  1. Clone the repository (I would make a fork and clone that but to play around):
git clone
  1. Add dependencies:
go mod tidy

Contrib Notes

Contributions to this project will be welcome probably after 0.6!

Please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature/YourFeature).
  3. Make your changes.
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature').
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/YourFeature).
  6. Open a Pull Request.




  • Fyne team for an incredible cross-platform ui kit.
  • The gopsutil library for system information access.