Discord Tipbot built in C++ for Monero/IntenseCoin
Discord: https://discord.gg/TyD4jfU
- Visual Studio 2017: File -> Open -> CMake -> Click CMakeLists.txt
- cmake .
- make
- !about
- !help
- !balance
- !myaddress
- !history
- !withdraw [amount] [address]
- !withdrawall [address]
- !give [amount] [@User1 @User2...]
- !giveall [@User]
- !tip [amount] [@User1 @User2...]
- !tipall [@User]
- !give [amount] [@User1 @User2...]
- !blockheight
- !restartwallet
- !faucet
- !take
- !lottery
- !jackpot
- !gameinfo
- !mytickets
- !buytickets [amount]
- IntenseCon/Monero Daemon
- IntenseCoin/Monero RPC
- Discord Token
- TCP Port 11000 to 11100 free to bind (can be redefined in config)
- Poco C++ - https://github.com/pocoproject
- Sleepy Discord - https://github.com/yourWaifu/sleepy-discord
- libcurl4-openssl-dev
- libssl-dev
You need to download the RPC for the coin you want to setup the bot with, for example, IntenseCoin (https://github.com/valiant1x/intensecoin/releases). Unzip it to whereever you built the TIPBOT.
Next you'll need to open the daemon for the coin, for example, intensecoind
for IntenseCoin.
The file structure should look like this:
- intensecoind/monerocoind
- intense-wallet-rpc/monero-wallet-rpc
- TIPBOT <- This programs executable.
- Wallets/ <-- this is a directory. This will be created after running TIPBOT.
Navigate to "My Apps" on Discord (https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me). Click new app, give it a name and description. Click create a bot user. Copy the token generated on that page and open TIPBOT and enter it when prompted. To add a bot user to your account you'll need to get the client id for the bot which is also on that page. Then navigate to this url (https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=CLIENTID&scope=bot) and replace CLIENTID in the url with the client url on the page.
The bot should now be ready to run. Launch it, enter the token, and type !balance
and if it returns a balance of 0 then the communication between the bot and the RPC is working correctly.
Author: Brandan Tyler Lasley
- BTC: 1KsX66J98WMgtSbFA5UZhVDn1iuhN5B6Hm
- XMR: 44DudyMoSZ5as1Q9MTV6ydh4BYT6BMCvxNZ8HAgeZo9SatDVixVjZzvRiq9fiTneykievrWjrUvsy2dKciwwoUv15B9MzWS