Here are some of the python scripts i have written to keep myself busy, Just have a look on them if ya want to..
Script Name | Description |
ChangeMyWallpaper | A Python script to download a wallpaper and set it as the Desktop wallpaper of KDE plasma. |
CricRatings | A Python script to find the team and player ratings for both men and women. |
CubiCom | A Python script to display the Upcoming Cubing Competitions as well as that are near you or based on the city entered. |
Github Contributions | A Python script to get Github contributions, repos and starred repos of a user. |
key Logger | A Python script to get the keyboard strokes entered. |
Quotes To Scrap | A Python script to scrap all the quotes from |
Top Stories | A Python script to scrape Top stories of different categories. |
Weather | A Python script to find weather of your current location(or any other city) using user's ip address and OpenWeatherMap API. |
Xkcd Downloader | A Python script to download xkcd comics directly from its website. |