Check if a year is a leap year, that's a calendar year that contains an additional day added to keep the calendar year synchronized with the astronomical year or seasonal year.
import { isLeapYear } from "";
isLeapYear(2014); //=> false
isLeapYear(2016); //=> true
isLeapYear("6 October 2006 00:07:00 GMT"); //=> false
isLeapYear("2000"); //=> false
isLeapYear(new Date(2016, 1, 1)); //=> true
isLeapYear("13 December 400 00:07:00 GMT", true); //=> { year: 400, result: true }
import { isLeapYear } from "@ultirequiem/leap-year";
You can use any CDN 🔥
Eg. ESM ▶ SkyPack / script tag ▶ JSDelivr.
The API is the same on all this platforms.
Was done mainly as usage example.
- Node.js 🦍
npm install -g @ultirequiem/leap-year
- Deno 🦕
deno install
leap-year "13 October 2020 00:07:00 GMT" 400 345
Or with the verbose flag 👇
leap-year "13 October 2020 00:07:00 GMT" 400 345 --verbose # -v
2020 is a leap year.
400 is a leap year.
345 is not a leap year.
leap_year_utils: Utilities around this package.
parse_datelike: Parse a number/string/date to a number/string/date.
leap-year-api: A REST API to know if a year is leap or not.
Open an Issue, I will check it a soon as possible 👀
If you want to hurry me up a bit send me a tweet 😆
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We use Semantic Versioning. For the versions available, see the tags 🏷️
Licensed under the MIT License 📄