Perception 0.10.0-preview.1
Added support for consumer endpoints allowing a user to define how they want to generated data to be serialized.
Added perception project settings to allow for different perception settings to be modified, including the selection of an active endpoint.
Added progress bar to the Fixed Length Scenario.
Added the ability to drag and drop items directly onto the UI for Categorical Parameters.
Added required labelerId
field for all CameraLabelers.
Added additional generic metrics for bool, bool array, and vector3.
Changed the dataset capture package to use consumer endpoints instead of only serializing to the perception format.
Changed dataset capture to report data on a per frame basis.
Upgraded com.unity.collections package dependency version to a non-preview release.
Removed dependency on com.unity.simulation packages.
Changed FixedFrameScenario to no longer be cloud specific.
Removed com.unity.simulation.capture package dependency.
Removed com.unity.simulation.core and related dependencies.
Removed Run in Unity Simulation window.
Handled exception from analytics when labeler had an empty label config.
Updated documentation to reflect that the 3D Bounding Box Labeler does not support Skinned Mesh Renderers.
PoissonDiskSampling will no longer generate empty lists of points for editor versions 2020.3.27f1 and above.
Fixed perception endpoint to support multiple cameras.
Fixed potential race condition with annotations being registered from within asynchronous lambda jobs. Image related annotations will now be registered on the main thread in callbacks executed after ImageEncoder jobs have completed.
The PerceptionCamera UI now shows a warning when a missing/null labeler is detected.