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Perception 0.8.0-preview.4

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[0.8.0-preview.4] - 2021-07-05

Upgrade Notes

Known Issues

When using URP in OSX, having MSAA enabled on the camera while the post-processing option is disabled may cause the output RGB images to be blank. As a workaround, you can disable MSAA and use FXAA instead, until the issue is fixed.


Added support for 'step' button in editor.

Added random seed field to the Run in Unity Simulation Window.


Increased color variety in instance segmentation images.

The PoissonDiskSampling utility now samples a larger region of points to then crop to size of the intended region to prevent edge case bias.

Upgraded capture package dependency to 0.0.10-preview.23 to fix two issues: (1) Post processing effects were not included when capturing images in URP (2) RGB images were upside-down when post processing effects were enabled and FXAA disabled.




Fixed keypoint labeling bug when visualizations are disabled.

Fixed an issue where Simulation Delta Time values larger than 100 seconds in Perception Camera would cause incorrect capture scheduling behavior.

Fixed an issue where Categorical Parameters sometimes tried to fetch items at i = categories.Count, which caused an exception.