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Ledokol Configuration

Przemek Wiejak edited this page Jan 28, 2023 · 35 revisions

Ledokol Configuration

Default Ledokol Configuration

Below are the default configuration values for Ledokol, the configuration descriptions and the accepted configuration values.

Configuration Notes

  • Where a text or string value is required "quoted text" should be used when submitting the command through the hubs command line unless otherwise noted.
  • Set any class variable to 11 to disable the function.
  • Make sure that everything equivalent and above scanbelowclass are trusted classes.
  • 0 means disabled and 1 means enabled in 0 or 1 variables.
  • All changes takes effect immediately, no restart is required.
  • Read here about asterisk support.
  • Some variables can be set to empty values, which allows for example the possibility of permanent ban.


Default Value: 4

Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum operator class that can use Ledokol operator commands int 3, 4, 5 or 10

##### ` minusrcommandclass` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum user class that can use Ledokol user commands int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 10

##### ` commandstopm` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Ledokol command output destination is PM bool 0 or 1

##### ` scanbelowclass` **Default Value: `3`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Class below this will be scanned for different actions that are enabled int 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 10

##### ` thirdacttime` **Default Value: `1d`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Temporary ban time for 3rd action string #s, #m, #h, #d, #w #M or #y where # represents a number

##### ` seventhacttime` **Default Value: ` `**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Temporary ban time for 7th action string #s, #m, #h, #d, #w #M or #y where # represents a number

##### ` sixthactaddr` **Default Value: `""`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Redirect address for 6th action string Hub address

##### ` ninthactrepmsg` **Default Value: `Sorry. I won't be spamming this hub again.`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Redirect address for 6th action string Hub address

##### ` enableantispam` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Antispam is enabled bool 0 or 1

##### ` antispamdebug` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Antispam DeBug is enabled bool 0 or 1

##### ` antibelowclass` **Default Value: `2`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum Class that AntiSpam scan below int 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 10

##### ` allowspamtoops` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
AntiSpam is allowed to Operators is enabled bool 0 or 1

##### ` checkcmdspam` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
bool 0 or 1

##### ` antikreason` **Default Value: `Spam detected: *`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Reason that is used on antispam kick and temporary ban action string "text"

##### ` antimessage` **Default Value: `Your message wasn't sent due to spam detection. Please contact the hub administration if you disagree with this decision.`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Message that appears to user on spam occurrence string "text"

##### ` enablesearfilt` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Search filter is enabled bool 0 or 1

##### ` sefireason` **Default Value: `Forbidden search request detected: *`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Reason that is used on search filter kick and temporary ban string "text"

##### ` searfiltmsg` **Default Value: `Your search request is forbidden and therefore discarded: *`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Message that appears on filtered search string "text"

Default Value: 30

Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
AntiVirus Search Interval in seconds int 1-999

##### ` avfilediff` **Default Value: `256`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
AntiVirus Search Interval in seconds int 1-999

##### ` avfilecount` **Default Value: `30`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
AntiVirus Search Interval in seconds int 1-999

##### ` avuserfree` **Default Value: `180`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
AntiVirus Search Interval in seconds int 1-999

##### ` avfeedverb` **Default Value: `2`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
AntiVirus feed message ???? int 1-999

##### ` avsendtodb` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
AntiVirus ???? int 1-999

##### ` avdbloadint` **Default Value: `30`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
AntiVirus ??? int 1-999

##### ` avrandrequest` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
AntiVirus ???? int 1-999

##### ` avsearservaddr` **Default Value: ` `**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
AntiVirus ???? string URL

##### ` avsearservport` **Default Value: `4112`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
AntiVirus Search Bot Port int 1-99999

##### ` avdetaction` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
AntiVirus Detection Action int 0, 1, 2 , 3

##### ` avkicktext` **Default Value: `Virus spreaders are not welcome here _ban_30d`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
AntiVirus kick message send to the user string "text"

___ ##### ` classnotianti` **Default Value: `3`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum user class to notify about antispam occurrences and actions int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` classnotiex` **Default Value: `3`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum user class to notify about AntiSpam Exception Occurance int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` classnotisefi` **Default Value: `3`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum user class to notify about Search Filter Occurance int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` classnotiav` **Default Value: `3`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum user class to notify about AntiVirus Occurance int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` classnotimich` **Default Value: `3`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum user class to notify about MyInfo?? int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` classnotiflood` **Default Value: `3`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum user class to notify about Flood Occurance int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` classnotigagip` **Default Value: `3`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum user class to notify about IP Gag Occurance int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` classnoticom` **Default Value: `5`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum user class to notify about All Command Usage int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` classnotisay` **Default Value: `3`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum user class to notify about !say Command usage int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` classnotirepl` **Default Value: `3`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum user class to notify about Replys to the Security Bot int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` classnotikick` **Default Value: `3`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum user class to notify about Kick Occurances int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` classnotiban` **Default Value: `3`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum user class to notify about Ban Occurances int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` classnotireg` **Default Value: `3`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum user class to notify about User Registration Occurances int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` classnoticonfig` **Default Value: `5`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum user class to notify about Configuration Changes int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` classnotiredir` **Default Value: `5`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum user class to notify about Redirects int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` classnotibadctm` **Default Value: `11`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum user class to notify about Bad "Connect to Me" Occurances int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` classnotiunk` **Default Value: `3`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum user class to notify about Unknown Command Occurances int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` classnotioff` **Default Value: `3`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum user class to notify about Offline Message Occurances int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` classnotiledoact` **Default Value: `5`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum user class to notify about Ledokol Actions int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` classnotiprotoflood` **Default Value: `3`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum user class to notify about ProtoFlood Occurances int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` classnotiauth` **Default Value: `3`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum user class to notify about Authenticated IP Occurances int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` classnotiwelcome` **Default Value: `3`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum user class to notify about Welcome Messages int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` classnotibotpm` **Default Value: `3`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum user class to notify about Messages Sent to the bot int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` classnotihardban` **Default Value: `3`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum user class to notify about Hard Ban Occurances int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` classnotiipwatch` **Default Value: `10`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum user class to notify about IP Watch Occurances int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` classnotiblist` **Default Value: `3`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum user class to notify about Blacklist Occurances int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11
_Blacklist is a seperate Python Bot that monitors watchlists for blacklisted IPs from various sources _

Default Value: 0

Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum user class to notify about setting a Custom Nick int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` classnotipeakuc` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum user class to notify about Peak User Count in Main Chat (MC) int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` classnotipeakts` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum user class to notify about Peak Share Counts in Main Chat (MC) int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

___ ##### ` micheck` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Forbidden MyInfo check is globally enabled bool 0 or 1

##### ` micallall` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Make MyInfo check much more intensive bool 0 or 1

##### ` michnick` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Forbidden Nick check is enabled bool 0 or 1

##### ` michdesc` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Forbidden Description check is enabled bool 0 or 1

##### ` michtag` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Forbidden Tag check is enabled bool 0 or 1

##### ` michconn` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Forbidden Connection check is enabled bool 0 or 1

##### ` michemail` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Forbidden Email check is enabled bool 0 or 1

##### ` michshare` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Forbidden Share check is enabled bool 0 or 1

##### ` michip` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Forbidden IP check is enabled bool 0 or 1

##### ` michcc` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Forbidden Country Code check is enabled bool 0 or 1

##### ` michdns` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Forbidden DNS check is enabled bool 0 or 1

##### ` michsup` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Forbidden ??? check is enabled bool 0 or 1

##### ` michver` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Forbidden Client Version check is enabled bool 0 or 1

##### ` michfakenum` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Forbidden Fake Share Number check is enabled bool 0 or 1

##### ` michfakediv` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Forbidden ??? check is enabled bool 0 or 1

##### ` michclone` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Forbidden Clone check is enabled bool 0 or 1

##### ` michsameip` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Forbidden Same IP check is enabled bool 0 or 1

##### ` minickmessage` **Default Value: `Forbidden nick detected: *`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Forbidden ** ** message string "text"

##### ` midescmessage` **Default Value: `Forbidden description detected: *`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Forbidden Description message int "text"

##### ` mitagmessage` **Default Value: `Forbidden tag detected: *`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Forbidden Tag message int "text"

##### ` miconnmessage` **Default Value: `Forbidden connection type detected: *`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Forbidden Connection message int "text"

##### ` miemailmessage` **Default Value: `Forbidden email detected: *`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Forbidden Email message int "text"

##### ` misharemessage` **Default Value: `Forbidden share size detected: *`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Forbidden Share message int "text"

##### ` miipmessage` **Default Value: `Forbidden IP address detected: *`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Forbidden IP message int "text"

##### ` miccmessage` **Default Value: `Forbidden country code detected: *`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Forbidden Country Code message int "text"

##### ` midnsmessage` **Default Value: `Forbidden DNS detected: *`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Forbidden DNS message int "text"

##### ` misupmessage` **Default Value: `Forbidden client supports detected: *`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Forbidden ??? message int "text"

##### ` mivermessage` **Default Value: `Forbidden NMDC version detected: *`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Forbidden Version message int "text"

##### ` mifakemessage` **Default Value: `Fake share detected: *`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Forbidden Fake Share message int "text"

##### ` miclonemessage` **Default Value: `Clone of yourself detected: *`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Forbidden Clone message int "text"

##### ` misameipmessage` **Default Value: `Connection from same IP detected: *`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Forbidden Same IP message int "text"

##### ` mitbantime` **Default Value: `3h`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Temporary ban time for a bad MyInfo occurrence string #s, #m, #h, #d, #w #M or #y where # represents a number

##### ` miclonekicktime` **Default Value: `30m`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Kick time for a Detected Clone string #s, #m, #h, #d, #w #M or #y where # represents a number

##### ` kickunkusers` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Kick users who send unknown garbage protocol commands bool 0 or 1

##### ` unkbeforelogin` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
?? ?? ??

##### ` unktbantime` **Default Value: `3h`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Temporary ban time for users who send unknown garbage protocol commands int #s, #m, #h, #d, #w #M or #y where # represents a number

##### ` unkkickreason` **Default Value: `Unknown protocol command detected from your client: *`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Reason on unknown protocol command kick string "text"

##### ` authrunning` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
User IP authorization is enabled int 0 or 1

##### ` authmessage` **Default Value: `Your IP doesn't match the authorization IP set for your nick.`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Message on unauthorized connection string Text

##### ` regnewpubenable` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Enable a message for a newly registered Class 1 user

##### ` regnewpubmsgreg` **Default Value: `Welcome our New Member: `**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Enable a message for a newly registered Class 1 (Reg) user

##### ` regnewpubmsgvip` **Default Value: ` Welcome our New Member: `
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Enable a message for a newly registered Class 2 (VIP) user

##### ` regnewpubmsgop` **Default Value: ` Welcome our New Member: `
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Enable a message for a newly registered Class 3 (Op) user

##### ` regnewpubmsgcheef` **Default Value: ` Welcome our New Member: `
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Enable a message for a newly registered Class 4 (Cheef) user

##### ` regnewpubmsgadmin` **Default Value: ` Welcome our New Member: `
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Enable a message for a newly registered Class 5 (Admin) user

##### ` regnewpubmsgmaster` **Default Value: ` Welcome our New Member: `
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Enable a message for a newly registered Class 10 (Master) user

##### ` regkickaction` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Action on kick of a registered user int 0, 1 or 2

##### ` regmechatcnt` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Reports registered user count to Main Chat (MC)

##### ` regmeuptime` **Default Value: `0.5`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Amount of Time the regme count has been active ?? ??

##### ` searchuptime` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Amount of Time the Search Monitor has been active

##### ` searuptimeact` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Search Uptime Action

##### ` showuseruptime` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Shows the User Uptime in Main Chat (MC) bool 0 or 1


Default Value: 3

Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum class that is allowed to use the custom nick command int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` custlistclass` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum class that is allowed to view the custom nick list int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` custmaxlen` **Default Value: `64`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Maximum length for a custom nick int 3 to 64

##### ` savecustnicks` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Save custom nicks when user logs out, hub is restarted, script is unloaded, or the feature is disabled int 0 or 1

##### ` opkeyclass` **Default Value: `11`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum class to appear in the user list as an operator int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11
Note: User only appears as an operator in the user list. This does not override other configured class values

Default Value: 0

Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Operator Share Value int 0-999999999999
This grants a key to any user registered or not a key if they share more than the set value. Values are in Gigabytes

##### ` opkeyself` **Default Value: `11`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
?? ?? ???

##### ` enablevipkick` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Enables Class 2 (VIP) users to kick users equal or below their class bool 0 or 1

##### ` votekickclass` **Default Value: `11`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Class enabled to use the vote kick function int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` votekickcount` **Default Value: `5`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Number of votes before a user is kicked from the hub int 0-9

##### ` reluseclass` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum class that is allowed to use the Release List int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` relmodclass` **Default Value: `3`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum class that is allowed to modify the Release List int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` welcomeclass` **Default Value: `3`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum class that is allowed to use the Welcome Messages int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` offmsgclass` **Default Value: `3`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum class that is allowed to use Offline Messenger int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` Main Chat (MC)histclass` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum class that is allowed to view Main Chat History int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` chatmodeclass` **Default Value: `3`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum class that is allowed to use the Chat Mode Function int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` sayclass` **Default Value: `3`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum operator class that is allowed to use Say Command int 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` clearclass` **Default Value: `3`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum class that is allowed to Clear Main Chat int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` chatrunning` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Chatroom feature is enabled bool 0 or 1

##### ` ccroomrunning` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Country Code Based Chatrooms are created when a new user from a CC enters in the hub bool 0 or 1

##### ` ccroomstyle` **Default Value: `# `**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Country Code Style to Display in the User List string text
These inputs are typically variables used by the hub to display certian text.

Default Value: 3

Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Clears the unused Country Code Chatrooms when no users exist for a particular country

##### ` ccroommancls` **Default Value: `3`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
?? ?? ??

##### ` roomusernotify` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Notify chatroom Users when a new user enters the room

##### ` chathistlimit` **Default Value: `300`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Chat History Limit int 0-999

##### ` chathistbotmsg` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Chat History Bot Message bool 0 or 1

##### ` chathistipclass` **Default Value: `11`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
?? ??

##### ` remrunning` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Reminder feature is enabled bool 0 or 1

##### ` trigrunning` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Trigger feature is enabled bool 0 or 1

##### ` replrunning` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Replace feature is enabled bool 0 or 1

##### ` replprotect` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Replacer Protect int 0 or 1

##### ` resprunning` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Chat Responder feature is enabled int 0 or 1

##### ` respdelay` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Amount of time in seconds before the responder sends the message

##### ` newsclass` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum class to use the Hub News int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` newsautolines` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Number of Lines to display when the Hub news is automatically triggered on Connection

##### ` chatrankclass` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum class to use chat ranks int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` sharerankclass` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum class to use share ranks int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` shareranmin` **Default Value: `500`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum share in GB to use share ranks int 1 to 1024

##### ` oprankclass` **Default Value: `3`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum class to use operator ranks int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` searrankclass` **Default Value: `3`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum class to use Search Ranks int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` wordrankclass` **Default Value: `3`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum class to use Word Ranks int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` wordranmin` **Default Value: `5`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum length of a word to use in Word Ranks int 1 to 25

##### ` wordranmax` **Default Value: `25`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Maximum length of a word to use in Word Ranks int 1 to 100

##### ` ranklimit` **Default Value: `25`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Number of Users to use for Rank Lists int 1 to 999

##### ` ccstatsclass` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum class to use Country Code Stats int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` savecchistory` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Enable/Disable Saving of the Country Code Ranks

##### ` histlimit` **Default Value: `500`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Maximum number of messages that can be stored for chat history int 0 to 999

##### ` histbotmsg` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Log messages written from bot bool 0 or 1

##### ` histautolines` **Default Value: `15`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Number of Main Chat (MC) lines to automatically send on connect int 0 to 100

##### ` ophistautolines` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Number of lines to display automatically on connection for Operator Chat history int 0 - 999

##### ` histautolinemax` **Default Value: `256`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Maximum number of lines to display for automatic chat history int 0 - 999

##### ` histautonewlinedel` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
??? ??? ???

##### ` histshowipclass` **Default Value: `5`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Minimum Class to Display IP in chat history int 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 or 11

##### ` autoupdcheck` **Default Value: `24`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Number of minutes to automaticly check for Ledokol Update int 0-99

##### ` addspecialver` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Add Special Version to the Ledokol Bot bool 0 or 1

##### ` addledobot` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Add Ledokol Bot to user list int 0 or 1

##### ` ledobotnick` **Default Value: `#Ledokol`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Nick of Ledokol bot int Text

##### ` ledobotmail` **Default Value: ` `**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Ledokol bot Email string "text"

##### ` ledobotsize` **Default Value: `-1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Ledokol bot Share Size string "text"

##### ` useextrafeed` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Use another feed room instead of Ledokol bot or operators chat bool 0 or 1

##### ` extrafeednick` **Default Value: `# Feed`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
The nick of the extra feed room string "text"

##### ` timebotint` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Time interval in seconds int 0 to 86400

##### ` timebotnick` **Default Value: `# %d/%m %H:%M`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Defines how time bot nick will look string "text"
_This Command uses LUA time variables to display the time in the user list _

Default Value: 0

Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Enables the time Bot to update the time more quickly thus is cost more resources on the server bool 0 or 1

##### ` srvtimediff` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Server time zone difference in seconds int -43200 to 43200

##### ` longdateformat` **Default Value: `%Y-%m-%d`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Defines the display for the Long Date format

##### ` dateformat` **Default Value: `%d/%m`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Date format to use throughout the script and database string "text"

##### ` timeformat` **Default Value: `%H:%M`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Time format to use throughout the script and database string "text"

##### ` shrtuptimefmt` **Default Value: `%s:%s:%s:%s:%s`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
??? Format for ??? string "text"

##### ` statscollint` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` userrecmsg` **Default Value: `New user record since : -> `**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` sharerecmsg` **Default Value: `New share record since : -> `**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` rolltopicint` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` rolltopicspace` **Default Value: `5`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` showtopicowner` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` chatantiflood` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` chatfloodallcount` **Default Value: `15`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` chatfloodallint` **Default Value: `10`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` chatfloodonecount` **Default Value: `10`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` chatfloodoneint` **Default Value: `120`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` chatfloodcount` **Default Value: `10`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` chatfloodint` **Default Value: `5`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` chatfloodaction` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` chatfloodcmdgag` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` ipconantiflint` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` enablehardban` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` useblacklist` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` protofloodctMain Chat (MC)nt` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` protofloodctmint` **Default Value: `10`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` protofloodctmact` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` enableuserlog` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` ulogautoclean` **Default Value: `30`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` logallmyinfos` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` enableipwatch` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` chatcodeon` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` chatcodeflag` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` codemaxclass` **Default Value: `2`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` codelength` **Default Value: `4`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` codecharlist` **Default Value: `AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz123456789`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` codecharsep` **Default Value: ` `**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` codetext` **Default Value: `Please specify chat security code: `**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` pmminclass` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` ctmminclass` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` ctmmsginterval` **Default Value: `300`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` ctmblockmsg` **Default Value: `You aren't allowed to connect to other users.`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` instusermenu` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` instrcmenu` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` usermenuname` **Default Value: `.:: Ledokol menu`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

Variable Type Default
enablecmdlog int 0
Description Value
Disabled 0
Log operator commands 1
Log operator and user commands 2

funrandoMain Chat (MC)hat

Default Value: 0

Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Fun random nick chat is enabled int 0 or 1

##### ` useripsupport` **Default Value: `1`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` useripinchat` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Show user IP in chat int 0 or 1

##### ` tolowcharcase` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` translitmode` **Default Value: `0`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters

##### ` langfileprefix` **Default Value: `en`**
Command Description Input Type Accepted Parameters
Prefix for translation file string