Export Tiled Editor map files (.tmx) to C99 format directly from the command line.
npm install -g tmx2c
tmx2c "test/Kings and Pigs/map.tmx":main_map "test/Kings and Pigs/map2.tmx":level_2_map -o generated
This will generate a CMake project on a relative path (in this case generated
was chosen) with all the embedded maps information.
#include "generated/maps/main_map.h"
#include "generated/maps/level_2_map.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <stddef.h>
int main() {
struct tiled_map_t* map = NULL;
map = tiled_main_map_alloc();
assert(map != NULL);
assert(map == NULL);
map = tiled_level_2_map_alloc();
assert(map != NULL);
assert(map == NULL);
return 0;
The code generator will map all of the mentioned object types into a C enum. So this:
<objectgroup id="2" name="Object Layer 1">
<object id="1" name="Player Spawn Point" type="playerSpawnPoint" x="512" y="288" width="32" height="32"/>
<object id="2" name="Enemy Spawn Point" type="enemySpawnPoint" x="480" y="576" width="32" height="32">
<property name="attack" value="10"/>
<objectgroup id="3" name="Object Layer 2">
<object id="4" name="Health Life Item" type="healthLifeItem" x="160" y="576" width="32" height="32"/>
Becomes this:
enum tiled_object_type_t {