thinRedis is a high performance standalone cache server written by GO.
It implemented full RESP(Redis Serialization Protocol), so it supports
all Redis clients.
- Support all Clients based on RESP protocol
- Support String, List, Set, Hash data types
- Support TTL(Key-Value pair will be deleted after TTL)
- Full in-memory storage
- Support atomic operation for some needed commands(like INCR, DECR, INCRBY, MSET, SMOVE, etc.)
Build thinRedis from source code:
$ go build -o thinRedis main.go
Start thinRedis server:
$ ./thinRedis
[info][server.go:26] 2022/09/08 13:23:50 [Server Listen at : 6379]
Use start option commands or config file to change default settings:
$ ./thinRedis -h
Usage of ./thinredis:
-config string
Appoint a config file: such as /etc/redis.conf
-host string
Bind host ip: default is (default "")
-logdir string
Set log directory: default is /tmp (default "./")
-loglevel string
Set log level: default is info (default "info")
-port int
Bind a listening port: default is 6379 (default 6379)
Any redis client can communicate with thinRedis server.
For example, use redis-cli to communicate with thinRedis server:
# start a thinRedis server listening at 12345 port
$ ./thinredis -port 12345
[info][server.go:26] 2022/09/08 13:31:47 [Server Listen at : 12345]
# start a redis-cli and connect to thinRedis server
$ redis-cli -p 12345> PING
PONG> MSET key1 a key2 b
OK> MGET key1 key2 nonekey
1) "a"
2) "b"
3) (nil)> RPUSH list1 1 2 3 4 5
(integer) 5> LRANGE list1 0 -1
1) "1"
2) "2"
3) "3"
4) "4"
5) "5"> TYPE list1
list> EXPIRE list1 100
(integer) 1
# wait for a few seconds> TTL list1
(integer) 93> PERSIST list1
(integer) 1> TTL list1
(integer) -1
Benchmark result is based on redis-benchmark tool.
Testing on ThinkBook Laptop with AMD Ryzen 7 5800H@3.20GHz, 16.0 GB RAM, and on windows 11 wsl2 ubuntu 22.04 system.
benchmark -c 50 -n 200000 -t get
get: 168634.06 requests per second
set: 167644.59 requests per second
incr: 164068.91 requests per second
lpush: 165152.77 requests per second
rpush: 162601.62 requests per second
lpop: 165152.77 requests per second
rpop: 165562.92 requests per second
sadd: 161420.50 requests per second
hset: 162469.55 requests per second
spop: 168350.17 requests per second
lrange_100: 50620.10 requests per second
lrange_300: 20132.88 requests per second
lrange_500: 12051.10 requests per second
lrange_600: 11992.56 requests per second
mset: 109289.62 requests per second
All commands used as redis commands. You can use any redis client to communicate with thinRedis.
key | string | list | set | hash |
del | set | llen | sadd | hdel |
exists | get | lindex | scard | hexists |
keys | getrange | lpos | sdiff | hget |
expire | setrange | lpop | sdirrstore | hgetall |
persist | mget | rpop | sinter | hincrby |
ttl | mset | lpush | sinterstore | hincrbyfloat |
type | setex | lpushx | sismember | hkeys |
rename | setnx | rpush | smembers | hlen |
strlen | rpushx | smove | hmget | |
incr | lset | spop | hset | |
incrby | lrem | srandmember | hsetnx | |
decr | ltrim | srem | hvals | |
decrby | lrange | sunion | hstrlen | |
incrbyfloat | lmove | sunionstore | hrandfield | |
append |