Maritime environment simulator based on Plankton and used for developing and testing software various software modules for our SWIFT underwater vehicle.
The simulator is a collection of ROS2 packages includes Gazebo plugins that extends the simulation capability of Gazebo to underwater vehicles, sensors and environment.
- ROS2 eloquent
- Gazebo 9.x
- xacro dashing-devel branch
- Scipy 0.x
- ament_package eloquent branch
colcon build --packages-up-to plankton
Starting an underwater environment:-
ros2 launch uuv_gazebo_worlds ocean_waves.launch
Uploading SWIFT AUV:-
ros2 launch swift_description upload_swift.launch mode:=default x:=0 y:=0 z:=-1 namespace:=swift
Starting dynamic positioning PID controller:-
ros2 launch uuv_trajectory_control rov_pid_controller.launch uuv_name:=swift
Sending waypoints to the DP controller to follow:-
ros2 launch uuv_control_utils send_waypoints_file.launch uuv_name:=swift
For creating new underwater vehicle's description package run the following command within the simulator folder:-
ros2 run uuv_assistants create_new_robot_model --robot_name <ROBOT_NAME>