A minimal JS endpoint extractor
This tool has been significantly rewritten and improved to enhance its functionality. Special thanks to 0xsha for creating this amazing tool that serves as the foundation for further development.
To extract endpoints in both HTML source and embedded javascript files. Useful for bug hunters, red teamers, infosec ninjas.
usage: goLinkFinder [-h|--help] [-d|--domain "<value>"] [-f|--file "<value>"]
[-o|--out "<value>"] [-s|--scope "<value>"] [-c|--complete]
-h --help Print help information.
-d --domain Input a URL to extract JavaScript links from.
-f --file Specify a file containing a list of URLs (one per line).
-o --out File name for output (e.g., output.txt).
-s --scope Scope filtering for URLs. Use 'all' for automatic domain
filtering based on each URL's hostname, or specify a keyword.
-c --complete Filters to only include full URLs starting with http:// or https://.
Basic Extraction
Use GoLinkFinder with a single domain to find all JavaScript endpoints:
GoLinkFinder -d https://example.com
Scoping Results
Limit results to a specific scope:
GoLinkFinder -d https://example.com -s example
Alternatively, use -s all to automatically filter results based on the domain names in the input URLs.
Filtering Complete URLs
To filter results to only show complete URLs (http:// or https://):
GoLinkFinder -d https://example.com -c
Extracting from Multiple URLs
You can also input a list of URLs from a file:
GoLinkFinder -f urls.txt
Output to File
Save the extracted URLs to a file:
GoLinkFinder -d https://example.com -o output.txt
Output :
you can easily pipe out its output with your other tools.
Go > 1.22
go install github.com/Vulnpire/GoLinkFinder@latest
"command":"GoLinkFinder -f input -s all -c | grep -ivE '\.(png|jpe?g|gif|svg|bmp|webp|tiff?)$' | anew output",
Please write a patch to fix it and then pull a request.
Python implementation: https://github.com/GerbenJavado/LinkFinder