LunchPy is a python client for Lunch Money's API. It requires an API key, which can be generated from your Lunch Money account under Settings -> Developers -> Request new Access Token. Note that while this library is considered production-ready, the API itself is still in beta, so breaking changes may still come from the Lunch Money team.
This package covers the full set of 18 Lunch Money API endpoints as of 9/13/2021. Future endpoints and extensions as well as most breaking changes from the API itself should be supported by this library automatically; additional parameters can freely be added to all calls without modification if they become supported by the API in the future, and if all else fails _query can be used to query an endpoint directly.
This package is for Python 3.9 and uses Semver 2.0.0 versioning.
pip install lunchpy
This package requires Requests version 25 or newer.
Initialize an environment variable LUNCH_MONEY_API_KEY equal to your API key. Alternatively, you can pass your API key to an Eat object on declaration.
from lunchpy import Eat
api = Eat('your_api_key')
for category in api.categories():
print(f'You have a category called {category}.')
Contributions are welcome. With the 1.0.0 release this library is considered complete. If you would like to add additional functionality, the top 'nice to have' would be tests.