Arjun Sarao, Bram Ogus, Connor Wilson
Creating some tools to maximize candy collection on Halloween has been a dream of ours since childhood.
TreatMap gamifies the process of collecting candies. TreatMap aggregates user reports on what candy is being given out at specific houses. The user then decides on what candy they would like to collect and TreatMap automagically routes them to the closest location where said candy is available.
- Adobe XD: We designed the mockups in Adobe XD to figure out the UI/UX
- Flutter: We built the frontend in Flutter
- GO: We created the backend in GO
- Firebase: We also made our backend with firebase
- Apple Map Kit: This renders the actual map and displays the locations where candy is found
- Google Directions API: As the name suggests, we used this API to find directions to candy
- Issues with GO syntax
- Making our GO backend communicate with the frontend and firebase
- A tree fell onto one of our teammates' houses, taking out his internet for half a day
- There was a scheduled outage at another teammates house, leaving him without internet for 5 hours
- Writing our own from-scratch GO backend, this was the first time our team used GO in a hackathon project
- Being able to finish this app despite internet and electricity shortages
- Gin web framework for GO, allows you to run an API on the web
- Using types structs in GO
- Making GO communicate with Firebase
- Getting direction coordinates from the maps API in Flutter
- Add different themes
- Adding scores based on how much candy you collect, the weight of candy, and the number of user reports
- Add geotagging to automagically add candies to your score
- Add teams so you can compete alongside your friends and family
- Dynamically allocating point value to candies to incentivizes collecting rarer types of candy
- ML, duh
1118 for the flutter app and 137 for the GO backend
We would like to thank Hack-o-lantern for the opportunity to create and develop our idea.