Open source Visual Notes App created using Flutter with SQFLite, Riverpod and Modular Architecture with MVVM.
- Using Modular MVVM Architecture and Clean usable code.
- Using Riverpod as state management.
- Using SQLite(SQFLite) to store data on the device.
- Using GetX Ecosystem for Localization, Theming, Snackbar, etc.
- Using onGenerateRoute and custom class to handle Routing in the app.
- Using Responsive UI and custom classes for sizes, colors, themes etc.
- App supports (English/Arabic) and you can add more languages easily.
- App supports (Light/Dark) theme modes, it changes with your device mode or you can pick your favorite theme from settings.
- Add new visual note from "Add New Note" in the main drawer.
- You can Edit note, delete note by swiping it or long press to multi-select notes for fast deleting.
- Only current note images are stored on the device. When you delete note or change its image, old image will be deleted from device storage.
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