A deckbuilding adventure game in corporate dystopia.
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Created with Unity
Wesley Coburn (Concept and Programming) --> GitHub
Joe Rouverol (Art and Design) --> Instagram
Alden Muller (Soundtrack) --> SoundCloud
🔴 CardManager 🔴 CombatManager 🔴 EffectManager 🔴
Manager classes are attached to gameObjects in ManagerScene and follow the singleton pattern:
// Singleton Pattern
public static GameManager Instance { get; private set; }
private void Awake()
if (Instance == null)
Instance = this;
else Destroy(gameObject);
Display/component classes are attached to prefabs and loaded from a manager class.
🔴 CardPageDisplay 🔴 UnitCardDisplay 🔴 CardZoom 🔴 DragDrop 🔴