An easy to use Rust application that automatically spins down and expires unused OKD projects.
This is an application I worked on during the CSH summer hackathon. It's used to increase the ease of management of old OKD projects on CSH's Openshift cluster. We don't have a good way of managing these applications, so here it is!
At its core, this tool queries the Openshift API for a particular project's info, queries a MongoDB server for data, and then reacts to that data.
Basic features:
- Operate on a cron-based schedule
- Track all OKD namespaces, their admins, and when they were last deployed
(or one of a few other timestamps, if those don't exist)
- Store metrics on Openshift project lifespans in MongoDB
- Notify admins of those namespaces when their namespace hits a certain age (according to the build timestamp)
- Spin down, back up, and delete old projects to save resources
Also check out the frontend! (In development)
Recommended distro: Ubuntu 18.04
To use this application, download the file and run it as root. It will fetch the latest release binary, as well as a env
file, if you don't have one, and install your crontab. From there, you must fill out the .env file with your OKD cluster info, a mongodb, mailing info and options, a backup path, and a log path.
ShelfLife uses cronjobs to complete its tasks. The default looks like this:
0 * * * 1-3 /usr/local/bin/shelflife -a #On the hour, every hour, Sat-Wed,
0 * * * 6-7 /usr/loca/bin/shelflife -a #query the OKD cluster for changes
0 12 * * 4 /usr/local/bin/shelflife -D # On Thursday at noon, do a dryrun of the
# actions to be taken, and let the
# admins know what is about to happen
0 12 * * 5 /usr/local/bin/shelflife -C # On Friday at noon, do a cull,
# and send a report of the cull to
# the admins.
To use the shelflife command line, run shelflife
and pass it flags:
shelflife [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
-a, --all Queries all available namespaces and adds/updates any that are missing/outdated to the
-c, --cull Checks graylist for projects that need attention. Takes appropriate course of action.
-C, --cull_with_report Culls, and generates and sends a report to ShelfLife admins.
-d, --dryrun Checks graylist for projects that need attention. Takes no action.
-D, --dryrun_with_report Dryruns, and generates and sends a report to ShelfLife admins.
-h, --help Prints help information
-l, --list Print namespaces currently tracked in the database.
-V, --version Prints version information
-w, --whitelist Enables whitelist mode for that command, performing operations on the whitelist instead
of the greylist.
-k, --known <NAMESPACE> Query API and ShelfLife Database for a known namespace. If it is missing from the
database, the user is asked if they want to add it.
-p, --project <NAMESPACE> Query API for project info about a namespace.
-r, --remove <NAMESPACE> Removes a namespace from the database.
Firstly, I just wanna say, "Thanks!"
Next, here's what you'll need:
- An Openshift cluster that can be accessed via API calls
- An admin™ account for ShelfLife to view and manage namespaces
- MongoDB installed and running (
- A .env file to store Openshift cluster information, DB information, and a few
other miscellaneous things. Get started by copying the provided
file to.env
and then fill in the appropriate values.
Ubuntu (Server 18.04 recommended)
Clone the repo and run the install script.
git clone
- Run the following commands on your openshift cluster:
oc create sa shelflife-dev-bot # Create a service account for shelflife to use.
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin system:serviceaccount:default:shelflife-dev-bot # Make the service account an admin on your cluster.
oc get token shelflife-dev-bot # Spits out the API token.
- Copy the API token, cluster URL, and email credentials into the .env file.
- Configure the .env file with your email information.
- Go to town.