This project is about event-driven stock prediction. It analyzes the impact of news to the stock price movement.
Basic Model: Neural Network with 2 hidden layers. 1st hidden layer: 300 nodes, tanh 2nd hidden layer: 50 nodes, tanh output layer: 1 node, sigmoid
Version 1: S&P500, NYSE Volume, Nasdaq Composite, 5-day lag time series for the stock
Version 2: Version 1 + Sentiment Polarity for news
Version 3: Version 1 + average word embeddings for the most confidencial sentence(filter by ReVerb,
Version 4: Version 1 + Doc2Vec(all news content)
News actually can improve the performance of stock predictions. But it is hard to decide the best model based on the facts below:
- Not all news important
- Noisy information in single news
- No perfect way to filter and find the most useful sentence in single news
- Some news has impact in long period not in short.
Xu Gao: the leader, initial research, news parsing, model design
Scott Edenbaum: SQL database created and BeautifulSoup scraping