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🌍 MaxMindDB GeoIP database querying module for Garry's Mod


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🌍 gm_maxminddb_geoip

This module reads, queries and serializes to Lua tables data from the MaxMindDB GeoIP database.

In other words, IP address goes in, GeoIP data comes out.


Downloading the module

First, run this in your server's console and it will tell you which module you need to download from the releases page

lua_run print("gmsv_maxminddb_geoip_" .. ((system.IsLinux() and "linux" .. (jit.arch == "x86" and "" or "64")) or (system.IsWindows() and "win" .. (jit.arch == "x86" and "32" or "64")) or "UNSUPPORTED") .. ".dll")

Then, put the downloaded dll file in garrysmod/lua/bin, if that folder doesn't exist, create it.

Downloading the MaxMindDB GeoIP database

Click here to download the MaxMindDB GeoIP database

You'll need to create an account unfortunately. Alternatively, you could always download a sketchy one from GitHub if you are lazy.

One you've created an account, log in and go to "Download Files" or "Download Databases" and download the database you need.

Once downloaded, copy it to garrysmod/maxminddb.mmdb on your server.

Which MaxMindDB GeoIP database do I need?

If you only need country information, download "GeoLite2 Country" (NOT the CSV one)


All data available in the maxminddb crate documentation is serialized and available.

If you want to automate the downloading of the database in some way, the module will also accept a MaxMindDB stored in garrysmod/data/maxminddb.dat which can be written to using file.Write

Rust -> Lua Type Conversions

Not all servers will have the full databases installed, and the free database contains limited data, which most servers will install. Therefore, do note that every field can be nil.

Rust Lua English
BTreeMap<K, V> { [K] = V, ... } A key-value table
Vec<T> { T, ... } A sequential table
Option<T> T | nil Something that can be nil
&str string Text
f64 number A decimal number
u32 u16 integer A positive integer

Loading the module


-- Prints the version of the module

-- This will reread the database from the disk, useful if you've just written to garrysmod/data/maxminddb.dat
-- You don't need to call this function after require()ing the module, it will load automatically
-- maxminddb.refresh() -> (success: bool, error: [string | nil])

Simple Querying

-- Provided for convenience
-- string, lang: string = "en") -> [(country: string, nil) | (nil, error: string)]
local country, err ="", "en")
if err then
    print(country) -- "Australia"

Advanced Querying

-- Advanced querying
-- Records can be found here:
-- maxminddb.query(ipAddress: string, record) -> [(data: table, nil) | (nil, error: string)]
local data, err = maxminddb.query("", maxminddb.records.Country)
if err then
    PrintTable(data) -- see below
-- Database used for example: GeoLite2-Country

    code        =       "OC"
    geoname_id  =       6255151
        de      =       "Ozeanien"
        en      =       "Oceania"
        es      =       "Oceanía"
        fr      =       "Océanie"
        ja      =       "オセアニア"
        pt-BR   =       "Oceania"
        ru      =       "Океания"
        zh-CN   =       "大洋洲"

    geoname_id  =       2077456
    iso_code    =       "AU"
        de      =       "Australien"
        en      =       "Australia"
        es      =       "Australia"
        fr      =       "Australie"
        ja      =       "オーストラリア"
        pt-BR   =       "Austrália"
        ru      =       "Австралия"
        zh-CN   =       "澳大利亚"

    geoname_id  =       2077456
    iso_code    =       "AU"
        de      =       "Australien"
        en      =       "Australia"
        es      =       "Australia"
        fr      =       "Australie"
        ja      =       "オーストラリア"
        pt-BR   =       "Austrália"
        ru      =       "Австралия"
        zh-CN   =       "澳大利亚"