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Code Coverage Mutation Coverage Documentation

Imports: isort Code Style: black Linter: ruff Snyk Security


Poodle is an tool for Mutation Testing your Python projects.

Mutation Testing proves the quality of your test suite by introducing bugs in your application, then verifying if your test cases can find the bug.


The goal of Poodle is to be highly efficient, configurable, and extendable.

  • Multi-Threaded execution
  • Highly Configurable (toml and py)
  • Plug in custom code
  • Output reports in Text, HTML, and JSON

Quick Start


pip install poodle --upgrade
Usage: poodle [OPTIONS] [SOURCES]...

  Poodle Mutation Test Tool.

  -c PATH             Configuration File.
  -q                  Quiet mode: q, qq, or qqq
  -v                  Verbose mode: v, vv, or vvv
  -w INTEGER          Maximum number of parallel workers.
  --exclude TEXT      Add a glob exclude file filter. Multiple allowed.
  --only TEXT         Glob pattern for files to mutate. Multiple allowed.
  --report TEXT       Enable reporter by name. Multiple allowed.
  --html PATH         Folder name to store HTML report in.
  --json PATH         File to create with JSON report.
  --fail_under FLOAT  Fail if mutation score is under this value.
  --version           Show the version and exit.
  --help              Show this message and exit.




If you are having issues, please let us know.

I can be contacted at:

Or by opening an issue:


The project is licensed under the MIT license.