Tiny application for centralized monitoring of remote servers.
In comparison to traditional health checks ssh-server-audit
is executing commands using SSH.
- SOCKS proxy support: Possibility to hide service in the internet using TOR
- Health checks: Execute remote command, check exit code. Execute other command on failure to repair simple things
- Authenticity check: Check if remote filesystem is untouched by third-party (eg. by hosting provider, by other hosting users, by the government)
- Create a configuration file, example:
test_vagrant_volume: # name it as you want
socks_host: "" # (optional) leave empty if not using socks
socks_port: 9150 # (optional) but needs to be valid
host: "localhost"
port: 2422
user: root
password: "root"
auth_method: password
public_key: ""
passphrase: ""
checksum_method: "sha256sum" # command name on remote server that will be doing checksums (eg. md5sum, sha256 sum)
# files to verify on remote server, leave just "[]" without "" to not use checksums validation
sh: '/bin/sh'
bash: '/bin/bash'
losetup: '$(whereis losetup|awk "{print \$2}")'
# when at least one checksum would not match, then you can run a "repair command"
# for example unmount an encrypted volume with logs, user identities, databases
on_security_violation: "echo 'Something on security violation'"
# health checks, use "[]" without "" to not use health checks.
- command: "ps aux |grep nginx"
on_failure: "echo 'Something on failure'"
- command: "ps aux |grep bash"
on_failure: "echo 'This should not show'"